.NET components


i'm quite new to .NET scene and need a good asp.net hosting. i came across quite a few hosting packages, and when they stated they support .NET 1.1 framework, what exactly are the components inside it?

is things like CodeBehind, ADO.NET etc already in it?

and if you know any good and inexpensive .net hosting, please reply

thanks a bunch :)Asp.net is different from asp classic in that a lot of functionality is built in. Code behinds, mail, dynamic drawing, and many other features exist already with the .net framework.

I like the windows server plans at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.godaddy.com">www.godaddy.com</a><!-- w --> they seem very affordable. Brinkster is also good for personal stuff, but if you want mssql you can only get it with the top of the line plan which is expencive and a little impractical for a freelancer with only a few clients.