.NET app doesn't like IE (what else is new)


I might be in the wrong forum, but since the app is in .NET, I thought someone might be able to help.

I have a .NET app with an SQL 2K DB (running off Win2K server) which is doing the wierdest thing which i hope someone has heard of before. There is a simple login form when you first enter.

In Firefox, nothing is wrong. You can login and everything is smooth sailing.

In IE however, you click "login" and it does absolutly nothing. No errors, no progress bar, no timeouts, no spinning windows logo on the upper right. NOTHING. Has anyone ever heard of this or dealt with this?

two things to note:
-I need it to be available to IE users, so i can't just say "screw it, Firefox is better anyway"
-I wish i could give some code and/or a URL, but since this is sensitive buisness development stuff, I cannot. If this hinders any help that could be given, then i will have to deal.

Thank you all.add debugging statements in the code, only thing I can suggest.
