Nestled table problems???


I heard that some browers have problems with lot's of nestled tables.<br />
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Is this true?<br />
What browers have problems?<!--content-->The only problem I have come across is some CSS formatting being lost in Netscape4, but there are workarounds for that.<br />
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I don't know of any specific browsers that would have any problems with nested tables (no matter how many) as long as all of the tags are done correctly. That is they are not overlapping and each one has its correct ending tag.<!--content-->I think that is the jist of it. once you start getting a lot of nested tables you forget tags and Netscape is very picky that you have all the tags in there. trust me I was threre last week. :)<!--content-->Wow. That was quick. Think I'll hang out here in future. :D<br />
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I use DreamWeaver so I dont think forgetting tags will be a problem. :)<br />
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Anyway thanks again.<!--content-->acutally, dreameweaver is as guilty as anyone. It does forget/ misplace tags.<!--content-->glad you liked it, welcome to the forums :D<!--content-->That's why I validate the HTML here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
It's a quick and simple way to see if you've got the nesting correctly closed.<!--content-->Nested tables can take a long time to load and render.<br />
This is because the browser must parse each entire table contents to see where the longest/highest cells are in order to size the tables.<br />
Prior to CSS, tables were about the only way of positioning content open to web designers and this led to the formation of CSS. In CSS2 there is a "table-layout: fixed" attribute which can significantly reduce the rendering time of tables, especially large tables.<!--content-->