Nesting <xsl:for-each> statements?


New Member
Is it illegal to have nested <xsl:for-each> statements? I'm trying to populatethe contents of a drop-down box inside a table using the code below. The"outer" for-each statement works fine. It is just inserting data into thetable one row at a time. However, what I need the "inner" for-each statementto do is to grab the elements from another data island on my page, and insertthem into the drop down box. This needs to be repeated for each iterationof the "outer" for-each loop. I'm about to stop the insanity and build thistable out using the DOM. Any ideas??Thanks!<xsl:for-each select="RootNode/Records/row"><tr><td class="label"><xsl:value-of select="@Description"/></td><td class="label"><input id="txtLimit{@SubCoverageID}" type="text" maxlength="7"size="7" value="{@Limit}"/></td><td class="label"><select id="selDeductible{@SubCoverageID}"><xsl:for-each select="RootNode/Deductible/MenuItem"><option><xsl:value-of select="Item"/></option></xsl:for-each></select></td><td class="label"><span id="spnPremium{@Premium}"></span></td></tr></xsl:for-each>