Nesting tables or something


:crying:<br />
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I can't figure out why my code is causing my words to overlap onto my border when you minimize the window - HELP!<br />
It looks fine maximized...<br />
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:crying:<br />
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I worked on this for two days and my thick skull just doesn't get it - I've tried everything, including copying and pasting some nested tables code for left side borders I found on a tutorial.<br />
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You can see what I mean at:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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But on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> the text was fine - just had a trouble with the navigation code at the top, but am more concerned about the article part. <br />
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Can anyone quickly see what I'm doing wrong? I should know this by now and thought I could fix it with nested tables, but I guess I didn't figure those out as I'd thought. :rolleyes:<!--content-->It's your fixed background.<!--content-->Jon, I appreciate your answering so much, but I did try removing that and it still is doing it. I took it out again so you could see what I mean, if you wish, that is. Wouldn't blame you if you don't want to.<!--content-->Looks the same to me, Jen.<br />
It's the gray stripe down the side.<!--content-->Hiya Jenni,<br />
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I stared at that for a while and then it just hit me when I looked at your code.<br />
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In every table you put width="12%" in the first table data to keep the text from moving that far to the left. But when you minimize the screen, it will shrink down to be 12% of the now smaller screen which will be smaller than that black graphic on the left.<br />
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Solution:<br />
Make those Td's the width of the black part of the background, (110 px) Instead of 12%. So just set the td's width to 110 pixels instead of 12%.<br />
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That should fix it. Hope this helps<!--content-->:crying:<br />
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Thanks so much, Grego - but - It still didn't work! And that made so much sense I was all excited - I'm doing something horribly wrong here but for the life of me, I can't figure this out - I tried everything I could think of and/or find on the Internet - it just keeps overlapping.<br />
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sniff sniff<br />
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Thanks so much - sure sounded like it would work. I did upload it again just in case, like maybe,someone maybe would have the stomach to check it out again??? :(<!--content-->It's your background!<br />
The background sits below the pane of the page, rather like wallpaper. In full-screen mode there is enough room so that the text doesn't sit above the background, but when the window gets smaller the text goes over the top.<br />
When the browser renders content it ignores the background. The background sits below the other elements.<br />
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To see for yourself, change your background to be:<br />
pics/nutritionpyramid.gif<br />
you'll see it repeated across the page (like wallpaper).<br />
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If you don't want the text to flow over the picture, put it in the left cell of a table.<br />
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Or else you can do <body style="margin-left: 25%"> to keep your content away from the background.<!--content-->For cryin' all night!! I would pick a background that's dopey. Thanks, Jon - I think maybe I'll see if I can't find another one - I never ran into that before and I'm not 100% sure I understand the "how" but I do understand the concept of what you're saying. <br />
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About this:<br />
Or else you can do <body style="margin-left: 25%"> to keep your content away from the background. <br />
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(I feel so stupid) I never used a margin before - do I just stick that in the body tag? (Forgive the ignorance...:rolleyes:..what can I say) I'd like to try it to learn how that works but still think I'll find a different background. How can a person know something like that will happen when you pick a background to use - or should't I go there?? :confused:<!--content-->First, I did change the BG, but it was still happening. So, I played around and in short, I had to use a spacer.gif instead of a value and it's fine now! You're all off the hook! :D<br />
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Thanks so much for helping me out, though - I learned a few things and that's always a good thing.<br />
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You all are the best! :)<!--content-->