nested table background image in Netscape...


Hi there,<br />
<br />
I have a question about table background images in nested tables. I have a table with a background image, that has a table inside (with content). There is no background attribute assigned to the table inside (ie. bkgrd color) , but the background image of the outside table does not show through in Netscape Nav or Comm. The format works fine in IE.<br />
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I have come across this problem before, and just gave up on trying to get it configured correctly in NN. Any ideas on how to make this formatting work correctly cross-browser?<br />
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The URL to view the badly formatted page is:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
The URL to view how I want it to look is:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Check it out in IE - it works fine.<br />
Is it because I am using a Mac? I can't check it on a PC - does it look okay in IE and NN?<br />
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All help, as always, appreciated.<br />
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Cheers,<br />
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Tatlar<!--content-->In Netscape 4.x, if you use a background image on a table, any nested tables will inherit the same background image and not be transparent the way they should be. In other words, the background image is re-started (overlaid) in the nested table. <br />
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useful fix which does not appear to be at all harmful: specify an empty BACKGROUND attribute (BACKGROUND="") in nested TABLE elements in this scenario.<!--content-->Hey there,<br />
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Thanks for the advice - however, it didn't work.<br />
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I assigned the " background="" " attribute to the nested table <table> tag, then I tried every one of the <tr> tags, and then the <td> tags within the nested table.<br />
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None of them had the desired effect - the image in the table below is still obscured by the "Netscape-imagined" fill.<br />
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Any other suggestions?<br />
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Cheers,<br />
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Tatlar<!--content-->that was the only one I knew / heard of. sorry Netscape doesn't work to well with the background image.<!--content-->Hey Scoutt,<br />
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Thanks for the help. I know Netscape can be a tricky little monster.<br />
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I will be visiting this forum again - there is some good advice in these parts.<br />
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All the best,<br />
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Tatlar<!--content-->glad I can help and Welcome to the forums.<!--content-->