Would appreciate assistance on this one...
I have a web page with several links. Each of these links utilise a common re-usable Javascripy based popup window (only one link may be active any one time), normally sized smaller than the web page. From within the reusable popup window, I also have text mouseover popup help boxes to explain terms etc. My problem is ...
1. The text mouseover help boxes tend to be confined within the borders of the re-usable popup window. This is aesthetically unpleasing and looks very cramped. Is it possible to (using another re-usable Javascript) make the text mouseover box overlay across the borders of the popup window?
2. If yes, then how does one also position the mouseover box at specific desired positions on the desktop, and
3. How does one control its size (length and breath)?
I have a web page with several links. Each of these links utilise a common re-usable Javascripy based popup window (only one link may be active any one time), normally sized smaller than the web page. From within the reusable popup window, I also have text mouseover popup help boxes to explain terms etc. My problem is ...
1. The text mouseover help boxes tend to be confined within the borders of the re-usable popup window. This is aesthetically unpleasing and looks very cramped. Is it possible to (using another re-usable Javascript) make the text mouseover box overlay across the borders of the popup window?
2. If yes, then how does one also position the mouseover box at specific desired positions on the desktop, and
3. How does one control its size (length and breath)?