Nescape 6.1 needs a 'thwack' with a Willow branch!


Dang it!<br />
What is it with these things!<br />
Maybe it's me but my ALT tags aren't working in 6.1...<br />
I like the browser, but it don't like me!<br />
they work in all other browsers no problem.<br />
How have youse good PPL found it??<br />
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Double Dang it!<br />
Just found my bottom table (featuring 'back to top' and copyright notices) doesn't align left regardless of sticking align="left" in table props<br />
Those 'Scape ppl are sick! :(<br />
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Any offers Puhleeeezze!? <br />
Oh here it is (see attached)- check it out!<br />
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d<!--content-->That should read 'Gimp' not Gimo :(<br />
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d<!--content-->well from what I see in NS6.1 is that is makes the alt text all links if the image is not there and if they were a link. I think that is pretty cool too.<br />
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and from what I see, maybe it is as far left as it goes in the <td> tag?<!--content-->The only thing that's nice about netscape 6/.1 is that it the themes can be customized nicely, so it looks great. The other things about Netscape I don't like.<!--content-->Dont even get me started on netscape, I just cant stand it. I think version 6 was the reason they were forced out of the browser game. I agree with you mark that the themes were great but besides that everything sucked.<br />
Thanks,<br />
Paul<!--content-->Actually I just Download <!--more-->ed NS6.1, it is a vast improvement on the old NS6.<br />
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DS, if you want the little yellow text box that appears when you place your mouse over an image, you should use the "title" tag, this can be used for IE5+ and NS6+ and can be used on text, form fields, images, and form buttons (probably more as well). Place it the same as your ALT tag.<br />
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eg: <br />
<br />
<a href="" target="_self"><img SRC="html.gif" height=xx width=xx border=0 title="HTMLForums" ALT="HTMLForums Logo"></a><br />
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I hope this helps.<!--content-->NS 6.1 is a vast improvement over NS 6 - well at least so far as I've checked, I only use it for checking sites I'm building.<br />
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I still can't get over how UNBELIEVABLY BAD NS 6 was! People complain about MS all the time, yet I've had MS betas that caused far less problems than NS 6. NS 6 should never, ever, ever have been let loose. Then again what can you expect from AOL.<br />
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ahhhhhh, I feel better now.<br />
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Having said all that, I don't find NS 6.1 toooooo bad, but I haven't used it all that much after being bitten so badly by NS 6. Give me IE 5.5 anytime. (Haven't d/l IE 6 yet, still need to test pages in IE 5.5 because far more people have that.)<br />
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Neil<!--content-->'Tis gettin' to the point where ye can have more code deciding what the client is than actually displaying the page. :bah:<br />
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When I were a lad :rolleyes:, backward compatibility meant something!<!--content-->