Needing literature.....


I need a good, basic book for learning HTML, any suggestions?<br />
Please post.<br />
Shan.<!--content-->I like the for dummies books.<br />
But hmm html I don't know any books by names check and reviews for the books.<br />
You really don't need a book for html most of it is basic.<br />
Just keep all code nested correctly and keep a cheat sheet of codes if you can't remember them...<br />
CSS isn't html but I bet the books will cover it a bit you can check out sites like (I think right?) to learn what each thing does with it.<br />
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Hmm html I taught myself using online tutorials... I think the hardest things to learn were...<br />
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Forms. (But because I was a young lad I only used geocities (prior to yahoo's ownership) and they did not allow cgi so I really didn't find a use for it at the time. (Lacking javascript knowledge.)<br />
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Frames. (People rarely do framed sites these days but good to know as well kind of hard though at first if new to html... IFrames are used by alot of people these days...)<br />
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And Tables.<br />
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The rest is cake and just requires you to grasp the idea and nest them correctly...<br />
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There are also image maps... But I doubt you would use them let alone code it yourself without a program that makes the rects and such... They are odd and hard to update.<br />
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-Tim-<br />
Do a search on yahoo for html then click the cat and then find a site. Tons of sites online have tutorials.<!--content-->Good input, thanks Tim and I dig that avatar.<br />
I am using DW4, makes things easy. BUt I soon found out, if you want to be efficient, you have to learn HTML. DW will do things like, put a Javascript 200 lines long, right into a the head, which isn't good I've heard. <br />
THe reason I wanted a book was to get the info. straight from the horses mouth, sometimes it's nice to read and learn. I would like to know about spacing, when to use certain punctuation and how to use it; stuff like that.<br />
Two days ago I Download <!--more-->ed the HTML kit and it is VERY sophisticated. I know I'll learn a lot from that program though with time.<!--content-->try <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.<br />
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Also, Sams teach yourself HTML in 24 hours is a good primer. The HTML Bible is a good authoritative view.<!--content-->