Need your valuable suggestion


New Member
Hey any one know what is swicki ?
i read on net a lot of think but not getting eject meaning.
How It can be beneficial for SEO ?

Thanks in advance ............. Since I had to do a lookup for what the poster was asking about: Personally, i didn't yet try using swicki for a search. But according to this source:

Quote: Swicki is new kind of search engine that allows anyone to create deep, focused searches on topics you care about. Unlike other search engines, you and your community have total control over the results and it uses the wisdom of crowds to improve search results.

Swicki can be published on your site. Your swicki presents search results that you're interested in, pulls in new relevant information as it is indexed, and organizes everything for you in a neat little customizable widget you can put on your web site or blog, complete with its very own buzz cloud that constantly updates to show you what are hot search terms in your community.