Need Your Help!!!!!!!


Hi there, my name is Jeff Moyer and I'm looking for help on an issue that could help me land a job if I figure it out. I'm not sure what catagory this question even belongs in so I need you guys to help me out.<br />
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I am looking to send an e-mail that works as a newsletter to various clients. I have made a graphic for the newsletter but I want to be able to e-mail it to people where the graphic appears in the body of the e-mail, not as a seperate attatchment. Any ideas?<br />
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I know this can be done because I've seen if many times before, I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out. Even letting me know what catagory this falls under would be great.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->If you make your newsletter as an html document, you can send it as stationery --<br />
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from Outlook exp. help file:<br />
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"A stationery file is an HTML file and can be edited in Outlook Express. In a new message window, on the View menu, click Source Edit, and then click the Source tab to make changes. "<!--content-->Thanks man to whoever answered my question, very helpful!<br />
I was also wondering that since the e-mail newsletter is html based, will it work when you send it to anyone regardless of their server, browser, compatibility issues blah, blah, blah. Sorry if this is a silly question but I am trying to gather as much info as possible on this. Thanks again:)<!--content-->I don't know about servers, but a lot of what you asked about will depend on the receiver's preferences in their email programs. Some people do not accept emails in html format for security reasons. Some spammers embed spyware in html messages. You might want to consider offering your newsletter in both html and .txt format, but .txt format will not allow graphics. <br />
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Here is a website that offers some tips on formatting a .txt ezine:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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This one has guidelines on usabiliy and attactiveness, though the webpage itself isn't designed very nicely!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... -looks.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I know for my website's email account I only see the html. So if you put the image in the email and sent it to me, I would see<br />
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<img src="blah blah"><!--content-->Thanks again!<br />
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Really appreciate your quick response it was really appreciated. Anyway so far I got some part time work going so I owe ya one:) E-mailing HTML files worked with Outlook just the way you said it would. I was curious though, with Hotmail it only recieves some of the HTML images some of the time (of course because it's configured differently than Outlook). Is there any logic you know of in terms of making your HTML newsletters compatible with Hotmail (or Yahoo for that matter) as well as Outlook? <br />
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Also this may I dumb question but I'm really not sure. What's the difference between Outlook and Outlook Express? I did my HTML e-mail with Outlook Express but are they pretty much the same or what are the key differences? I also realize there are different years of Outlook as well.<br />
Right now I am writing a tuorial for my employer of how to<br />
send HTMl e-mails in Outlook (not Outlook Express) so any help you could offer would be great.<br />
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Sorry for writing back a little slowly, I had to make sure I knew what my employer wanted first before I asked any more questions. <br />
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Thanks also to the person who volunteered to let me send something to there e-mail. Once I got my newsletter I'll do just that, thanks!<br />
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