Need troubleshooting output for PHP-based file download script


New Member
I have a PHP script that connects to remote servers and downloads specific files. However, I am running into issues where the script is just stopping. I am using a context to try to get diagnostic output, but the script just stops after outputting "Connecting...". Is there a way that I can get additional output?This is the call to the stream opener I am using:\[code\]$ctx = stream_context_create();stream_context_set_params($ctx, array("notification" => "stream_notification_callback"));$handle = @fopen("https://" . $server . "/" . $path, "r", FALSE, $ctx);\[/code\]In the callback function, I am displaying all of the output except STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS.This is all of the output I get:\[code\]Connecting...\[/code\]I think there should be more output. I have even noticed that I don't get notified when the socket completes or the connection is closed. This is especially worrisome because I have a line that outputs "Download Complete" once the file has been read, and sometimes execution stops before that line. I am sure the script is not timing out.EditAs requested, here is the code for the callback function:\[code\]function stream_notification_callback($notification_code, $severity, $message, $message_code, $bytes_transferred, $bytes_max) { switch($notification_code) { case STREAM_NOTIFY_RESOLVE: case STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED: case STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED: case STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE: case STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT: var_dump($notification_code, $severity, $message, $message_code, $bytes_transferred, $bytes_max); break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED: echo "Being redirected to: ", $message; break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT: echo "Connected..."; break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_FILE_SIZE_IS: echo "Got the filesize: ", $bytes_max; break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_MIME_TYPE_IS: echo "Found the mime-type: ", $message; break; case STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS: //echo "Made some progress, downloaded ", $bytes_transferred, " so far"; break; } echo "\n";}\[/code\]