Need to remove FP extensions; how?


I recently inheirited HTML for a web site whose author used FrontPage. As I would like to have the freedom to choose a hosting service that does not support FP extensions, I would like to strip out all of the FP extensions from the HTML. Since I am a relative newbie to HTML, I'm not sure what to look for. Are there any apps out there that automagically remove FP extensions from HTML? <br />
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TIA.<!--content-->removal of ALL folders containing "vti" will take care of the most part, however when disabling this option from an IIS server, some services will become unstable. Best advice would be to load a fresh server with the same setup (but no FP extentions) and transfer the webs across on a lan, with a halfway box so the IP will remain the same for the servers.<br />
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or am i getting way too far ahead of myself? <br />
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hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Thanks for the reply!<br />
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As a newbie, I probably did not express the question properly. I do not have a server (and if I did, it most certainly wouldn't be IIS, but I digress...), but I have the HTML files for a web site. The HTML was FP-created and the site currently resides on a server that has the FP "extensions" installed (if that's the proper term). I wish to be able to move the site to a host that may or may not be FP-enabled. Besides, I do not have FP myself to be able to edit any of the existing content, which I need to be able to do. So, the idea is to keep as much of the HTML intact so I don't have to recreate the whole site from scratch.<br />
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Hope this clarifies my question! ;-)<!--content-->i don't know anything about frontpage, but i don't think it includes anything in the actual html except maybe a "this page was made in frontpage" tag in the header. if you linked the site i could look through the source for anything strange. then all you would have to do is open the .html file in notepad, remove what doesn't belong, and upload to whatever server you wish to use.<!--content-->I think that fp exstensions are <!--something--> they will look rather wierd not your ordinary <!--tag--><!--content-->Here's the deal with Frontpage (ACK!) . . . <br />
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If you move your files, all the HTML will come with them -- even the Frontpage generated code (if you are using webbots or anything like that) and you should be just fine.<br />
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If you were editing your site with Frontpage, you'd need to update it as part of a "Frontpage web" and deploy it as such to ensure that your site updates properly.<br />
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If you aren't using Frontpage (good for you) then you can edit your site the same you would edit any other Frontpage site.<br />
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One thing to consider though -- Frontpage generated code is created to work in IE and IE is a lot more forgiving of lax coding techniques than Netscape -- so this site you are taking over was actually *written* in Frontpage, make sure to double check it in Netscape<br />
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. . . and if it was created using their WYSIWYG interface, then check the code carefully because Frontpage can add a lot of junk you neither want nor need.<br />
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-beth<!--content-->well that didn't make a darn bit of sense did it?<br />
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let me clarify -- becuase I typed that all wrong . . . <br />
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If you are NOT using Frontpage to edit your site after you have moved it -- then you should be able to access it the same way you would any other HTML site.<br />
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hope that makes more sense.<br />
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I am serious about Frontpage generated code though -- be wary of it.<br />
I know I have made it clear that I am *not* a Frontpage fan, but I have worked with it and several other editors, and while it can be a very useful tool -- you are talking about a site you inherited. Validate that sucker and make sure to take out any crap code that might be in there.<br />
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(oh and take out that "this site was developed in Frontpage" line in the title tag if you haven't already -- no sense in advertising your development tool is there?)<br />
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Ciao<br />
-b<!--content-->The following lines are the only lines that Frontpage automatically generates within the HTML files:<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><br />
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"><br />
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"><br />
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Hope that helps.<!--content-->well, i use fron page a whole lot(its table tools are great), i like it better than dreamweaver.<br />
I however dont use the fp serevr extentions, i use Perl.<br />
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looks for things like code with webbot in it, thats in forms alot. if theres any of the fp generated dhtml in there you'll have to take that out also.<!--content-->well, i use fron page a whole lot(its table tools are great), i like it better than dreamweaver.<br />
I however dont use the fp serevr extentions, i use Perl.<br />
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look for things like code with webbot in it, thats in forms alot. if theres any of the fp generated dhtml in there you'll have to take that out also.<!--content-->hi ;)<br />
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If you want to disable the Front Page extentions further, Download <!--more--> the .htaccess file from the root folder of your webspace, and delete the FP extention references. Then re-upload the file.<!--content-->re-visiting this one, and now i have a better idea of what you are wanting to complete. first things first... do a complete transfer of the site to one of your local drives (this will allow for faster editing, + if anything goes completely hay wire, you know where to give it another shot!) first, do a search on files/folders containing "vti" and delete them! this is the first of the FP componets... something like a mirror effect for the display of the file/folder layout in the FP program. once thats completed, search for the assorted meta tag configs that have "Front Page" in them, and delete the meta's. that's basically all there are to a basic FP web, now if it's using assorted web bots, auto mailers, and lactos intollerant scripts, feel free to post the URL and i'm sure we can help you keep the site alive and FP free!<br />
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hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<br />
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PS: OrinocoFlow, great avatar!!! think we could meet some day??? ;)<!--content-->