Need to Re-direct old site

I have looked high and low on the site to find the html code which allows me to re-direct (obviously the wrong terminology) my current website. I want to continue to use my own domain, but need it to link to my new url.<br />
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Please share that code with me !:) <br />
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Please AND THANK YOU !!<!--content-->I think your question does not specify what kind of re-direction you'd want.<br />
the simplest way would be to put an achor tag pointing to the page you want users to go..<br />
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<a href="redirectionPage.html">Old Site</a><br />
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You could use JavaScript to make it using setTimeout function..and you may be able to get this done by using meta tags as well..<!--content-->The META element method will not always work so be sure to combine it with a link.<!--content-->Well.....thanks guys, but it's not working yet. <br />
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What I'm trying to do is allow my visitors who have my old URL to automatically be sent to the new URL without them typing in the new one. I know I've done this before with a simple html link, I'll keep trying if you have other suggestions. <br />
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Thank You !!!<!--content-->You must have been doing it wrong,the code suggested above,all works,in most cases,you'd want to post a link to your redirection page or post your code here.<!--content-->Maybe I have done it wrong, will try it again.<br />
I just remember wiping out all my html code and replacing it with a single line link which took them to a completely different URL. <br />
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Will try again ! Thanks:)<!--content-->Try this code...<br />
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<script type="text/javascript"><br />
<br />
// will redirect after 5 seconds<br />
function redirect() {<br />
<br />
setTimeout("window.location.href=''",5000);<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
</script><br />
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<body onload="redirect()"><br />
<br />
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Put a link for those without javascript<br />
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Havik<!--content-->Thank You !!!:D <br />
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That worked<!--content-->if the surfer has javascript turned off or the browser does not recognize javascript:<br />
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<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="2; URL="><br />
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I would do all three: the link, the javascript and the meta refresh.<!--content-->