There are three tables, the main table which only one is made per post and two other tables which hold all the content (there are multiple rows of content made per each post)Example:\[code\]Table One:Input - TitleInput - SummaryInput - LocationTable Many 1:Input - Content_titleInput - ContentTable Many 2:Input - Video_titleInput - Video\[/code\]And the post would look something like this:\[code\]Array(Title = ...Summary = ...Location = ...Content_title1 = ...Content1 = ...Video_title1 = ...Video1 = ...Content_title2 = ...Content2 = ...Content_title3 = ...Content3 = ...)\[/code\]My concern is that I am not doing this right and how I should handle this post to make it easiest to insert into a database? (Like if if what I am doing is correct, how would I split up each content_title and content to post it to the database, would I have to parse out the number from the post?)