Need To Mimic Oe Or Other Email Client Filters Behavior


HI, I was wondering if there is any script that would do the following:<br /><br />Check for incoming email, every 5 hours for instance, auto reply to emails based on keywords in the subject and body.<br /><br />Example<br /><br />I received an email to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />A filter is triggered by a keyword in the subject and replies to that email with a custom email from <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->, then, another filter is triggered by a keyword in the message body and moves the received email to a specific folder and marks it as seen.<br /><br />This is basically what OE is doing when my computer is online and I'm away, I set a specific amount of time to check incoming emails and if any is received that falls into the filters settings the sender gets an autoresponder message. The problem is that soon I wont be able to be online with my pc for few months but I need an webmail client to keep doing this task form me.<br /><br />The key point here is to have keywords to trigger the autoresponse.<br /><br />I didn't find such features in horde or squirrelmail, and the autoresponder in cpanel I think wont suffice my needs.<br /><br />Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks in advance.<br /><br />PhGroove<br /><br />-<br />-<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />I would go about this one of 2 ways. <br /><br />1. Use the filters in cpanel to filter emails into different boxes, depending on those keywords. Then set up an autoresponder for those email accounts.<br /><br />or <br /><br />2. Pipe the emails to a script, and then use that script to check for the keywords and autorespond.<!--content-->
<!--quoteo(post=157553:date=Dec 4 2005, 04:01 AM:name=TCH-Andy)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Andy @ Dec 4 2005, 04:01 AM) <a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hi,<br /><br />I would go about this one of 2 ways. <br /><br />1. Use the filters in cpanel to filter emails into different boxes, depending on those keywords. Then set up an autoresponder for those email accounts.<br /><br />or <br /><br />2. Pipe the emails to a script, and then use that script to check for the keywords and autorespond.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />I was playing with #1, and partially covers my needs, I was able to filter some test emails and the autoresponder replied to the sender with my custom message, but seems that the autoresponder would reply to any email received to that account and not only the one "moved" by the filter, am I right?<br />Also I think this way I wont be able to sort those emails inside one account, in different directory, but instead accross different accounts.<br /><br />#2 would be the best option, but I can't find a script that fits my case, the one I found ( do what I need but requires the sender to email me from a website form not from their favorite email clients. I'm sure I'm missing the right script in my search.<br /><br />I keep my hopes high<!--content-->
Have a look at <a href="" target="_blank">Piping emails to a script</a> for how to get emails sent from anywhere to go to the script you have.<!--content-->