Need to Hide a Layer With Browser Detection!


Staff member
I'm trying to put a transparent flash animation inside a layer, which will sit on top of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. (it's a present for my girlfriend's birthday)

Problem is it doesn't work in some browsers. The flash movie isn't transparent and covers half of the site... I need the layer to be hidden in NS < 7 and IE < 5, and opera, of course...

I pulled apart It seems that they use a JavaScript to detect for different browsers and then hide or show the DHTML flash layer depending on the results of the browser check. I've found browser detection scripts but none that control layers.

I tried to modify it for my site, but I don't know enough Java Script, and couldn't get it to work. Does anyone have the knowledge to help me out here?

BTW, I'm using a DIV layer
