Need to have Image Remain On Click


I'll probably figure this out...eventually...however, i need to get this over with soon:p (and see if i can explain this one...<br />
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Ok so here goes... i have images as "buttons" on my "menu page" so that when a button is moused-overed on it changes to a different image as well as play sound when clicked which just works fine except what I want to do is have the On-mouseover image "remain" after I've clicked on it.<br />
Coz, it goes back to the "visible" image after I've removed the mouse-over.<br />
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That way, site visitors will know (if ever they do notice it) that they're on that page...<br />
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Here's part of the script which i think needs to be changed:<br />
<br />
<div align="left"><br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="110" cellpadding="0"><br />
<tr><br />
<td align="left"><br />
<a href="ABOUT_US_NTCR3.htm" onmouseout="BNB_mouseoff('main')" onmouseover="BNB_mouseon('main');return true "><br />
<img src="main1.gif" name="main" VSPACE=0 border=0 alt="ABOUT US" onMouseOver="playSound(2)" onMouseOut="stopSound(2)" onClick="playSound(4)" align="left" width="130" height="40"></a> </td><br />
</tr><br />
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What htmline do i need to insert into the script?<!--content-->If I understand you right, take away this:<br />
onmouseout="BNB_mouseoff('main')"<!--content-->Originally posted by meow <br />
If I understand you right, take away this:<br />
onmouseout="BNB_mouseoff('main')" <br />
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Thanks, hmmm...but actually, im prefer to have it remain when "Clicked" but not when "MousedOff"...<br />
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Hmmm...does this mean I'll add something like "onmouseclick"?? :rolleyes:<!--content-->