I am stuck here.. I dont know what to do..<BR>I am keep getting the errow.. BC30002, System can not find system.data<BR><BR>I am importing it correctly too.. Imports system.Data<BR><BR>Can some one please help me.. and when i use this vb class file into aspx page it works just fine.. NO Idea why??<BR>Are you compiling via VS.NET? If so, just include System.Data.dll as a reference to your project (I think it's already included by default). If you are compiling via the command-line, try adding:<BR><BR>/r:System.Data.dll<BR><BR>to the compile options. hthhere is how my batchfile looks like..<BR>I dont know what else could be done<BR><BR>set indir=C:inetpubwwwroot
elo est.vb<BR>set outdir=C:inetpubwwwroot
elomarketingNorthwind.dll<BR>set assemblies=system.dll,system.data.dll,system.xml.d ll<BR><BR>vbc /t:library /out:%outdir% %indir%
elo est.vb<BR>set outdir=C:inetpubwwwroot
elomarketingNorthwind.dll<BR>set assemblies=system.dll,system.data.dll,system.xml.d ll<BR><BR>vbc /t:library /out:%outdir% %indir%