Need support for stupid problem.


New Member
Hi, well I'm having this problem with my board it has to do with my statusicons not working. well they work except one. (the "CLOSED THREAD" icon does not work or show up) when they are attached to a closed thread, instead what shows up is text telling me "I have posted here" rather then the actual closed thread icon.

other then that everything works. just need to figure this one out, I have uploaded new icons to see if that was the problem but it did nothing.

I think it might have to do something with a bad code some where on my style template?

what do you guys think?

you'll need to check the code in Admin CP/styles and templates/Your style/forum display templates/forum display.....
Locate and check the image location for that and see if it corresponds to your image (same name used for gif) image path is correct for the install and or image code is complete.
I checked the template you suggested, everything seems okay, have any other suggestion or any other templates I should take a look at?

thanks for the reply.
That would be the correct area did you try to search that template for the word closed and see in that area is correct. If your image source is in correct you will not get image check image name both at the gif level and the code level I'm leaning towards the code side though.
Hey Blackknights, well I'm not big on coding and I could have easily overlooked and missed a section where as an experienced Coder would get what the problem is right away I'm sure.

If someone is willing to take a look at the code to see if the code has any defects in it, I could attach the file here.

so any takers?