Need Suggestions....


I need some guidance. I have my site all set up, but I think the home page is too bland. If someone could give me some help and direct me in the right way, it would be great appreciated.<!--content-->I guess it all depends on what you want exactly. Taking a website from "bland" to "attractive" (or whatever you desire) is really a matter of taste.<br />
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Here's a website for design tips:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
However, it is quite basic and doesn't really provide excellent pointers.<br />
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I'd suggest checking out websites that provide tuts on graphic and website design, like the following:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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This is a great site that has on display other websites, which can be used to inspiration:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Remember though that a great website isn't necessarily one with flash or neat animated gifs or images. A great website is one that presents its content in an efficient manner.<br />
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Havik<!--content-->I saw this on your loading page.<br />
<br />
"TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">"<br />
<br />
I would also center your flash intro and give the page a lightly colored backgound because all of that white just makes it very bland.<br />
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Your intro seemed to have some dead space in it. Like, there was music, but that was it.<br />
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For the home page. I would match up the style of your menu with the images you use for your banner and sections. All three have their own style and they don't blend well together.<br />
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Instead of tables, I would suggest using some CSS to clean up your main part. Here's just the basis for the links part.<br />
<br />
CSS:<br />
<br />
<style><br />
<!--<br />
a { color:#333; }<br />
a:hover { color:#0000FF; }<br />
.section { border:1px solid #000; }<br />
.section div { background:#000; width:100%; text-align:center; }<br />
.section p { text-align:left; font-size:14px; font-family:Tahoma; }<br />
--><br />
</style><br />
<br />
HTML:<br />
<br />
<div class="section"><br />
<div><br />
<img src="images/Banner-Links.jpg" width="250" height="50"><br />
</div><br />
<p><br />
<a href="" target="_self">Take Surveys And Get Paid For It!</a>-No Membership Fees! Win Cash And Get Prizes!<br />
</p><br />
</div><br />
<br />
Just use breaking tags after you code each link and text along with it and that should work. Modify as you want.<br />
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I also didn't like how you were using frames because linking to certain pages, ie your forum, produced a scroll bar and I think that would grow tiring(sp?) after some time having to scroll so much on a forum.<!--content-->Well i dont see what you mean. I have never used CSS so I know nothing about it. Also about using the tables, if I dont the items are then double spacing, and I cannot seem to figure it out. As far as the banners and the menus matching, hmm dont know where to go from there. I guess ill have to restart that issue. But please clarify what you mean with the tables, i have been looking for an alternative.<br />
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P>S-I sue frames for security purposes. Sorry but that is the only part that I will not change. For any help please get back to me.<!--content-->Thank you for guiding me, its people like you that give me the right direction! Thanks!<!--content-->How is using frames helping with a security issue?<br />
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On your intro page where you have your Flash intro, find this code...<br />
<br />
<param NAME=bgcolor VALUE="FFFFFF">TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""> </embed><br />
<br />
What I am showing you in bold text is outside of an actual tag and it is thus displayed on your page.<br />
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A more complete example of your main.html, but without tables is forthcoming.<!--content-->ok so how do i work css? i am using dreamweaver mx<!--content-->all of the buttons came up as broken images for me.<!--content-->well, i dont know why. You need flash to view them. Also I have had no complaints, so if anyone else is ecperiencing this please advise me.<!--content-->Ok, well check it out now. Does it look better then it did. Toook a little work and boom, I think it looks 100% better. Please give me your thoughts on this.<!--content-->The original problem of HTML code showing up on your intro page still remains. All you need to do is check out your own site and you'll see it. The load bar is rather difficult to see. I would suggest show the percentage that is loaded instead and displaying it in a more visible way. There's too much going on visually when it is loading. Good job on adding some color to your background.<br />
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Might I ask, is 16 banner ads really needed? I know the Flash intro means a site built more for high speed connections, but loading all of those banners really drags my 56K modem.<br />
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Take the font you used for your "News" and "Links" images and then use it for your Baby Jai Online banner image.<br />
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The background you are using in your table cells where you have your "News" and "Links" images needs to be set to #000000; That's what your background is set to for the images, and as it stands, your images stand out because of their slightly darker background. Make them blend in with the background surrounding them.<br />
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In terms of design, it does look much better though.<!--content-->See I dont want to set the news and the other tables to white because it will look to plain. As far as the html showing up, I dont see it. People were having a problem with my stuff showing up on there cache and they couldnt clean it out for some reason. That might be what you are experiencing. As far as the banne goes, im changing that as we speak! Those banners you speak of, the 88x31 ones? They take that long. <br />
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I used to have more banners and bigger, I shrunk them down and figured i would go for the cleaner look. Im glad you think it looks better, my time has been put into it. Im slwoly getting there. Any more suggestions?<!--content-->LOL, my mistake 000000 meaning black. Man see this is what happens when your colorblind. Did that im working the banner, check it out and let me know in about 20 minutes.<!--content-->When I was going through your main.html page from earlier on I noticed the color changes didn't stand out that much even though you changed colors a lot. Maybe the colorblindness issue was the reason. I don't know. Anyway, I see you went and changed the banner image, and I think you tried to touch up the background color around the images, but I still see the lighter black and I saw this code.<br />
<br />
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#333333"><font color="#CCCCCC"><u><img src="images/B-News.jpg" width="78" height="13"></u></font></td><br />
<br />
Pretty much where ever you have #333333, change it to #000000.<!--content-->yes thats done<!--content-->--<!--content-->There is a link to it under each of his posts, the WWW button.<!--content-->I am looking for the HTML code (syntax and commands) for emailing a "carboncopy" of certain fields of a web form to a cell phone with an email address. The problem with using straight CC command is that the phone system limits data to 110 characters which basically gets the email header, subject and about 10 characters of the form. I would like to have it just CC the phone name and phone number info only. Anyone happen to know how to code that in my form? Thanks for your help.<!--content-->Read the rules before posting.<!--content-->Forum Rules:You may post new threads<br />
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Did I miss something?<!--content-->Keep It On-Topic<br />
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This thread is about suggestions on another users site-has absolutely nothing to do with sending emails to a cell phone. Start a new thread.<!--content-->Have a nice life, buddy. I certainly want nothing to do with your group if you are typical of it. The forum said the subject was HTML. The question was HTML. My mistake thinking that any question relating to HTML was ON TOPIC.<!--content-->Your post was on topic for being in the HTML section of this forum. It was not, however, on topic for this thread which is about a person's website. If people just started asking HTML questions on any thread in this section then it would get pretty chaotic fairly quickly.<!--content-->Lol i agree. Id dint know we were talking about cell phones. LOL<!--content-->