Need of some assistance asap please


If I have a page like this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and I try to print, the callout moves down, and doesn't point to what I want it to. How do I fix this? Thank you.<!--content-->I checked your page and it printed correctly for me in IE 6.0.<br />
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What's your problem?<!--content-->I have many pages like this (it was just an example) and they are not printing correctly.<!--content-->Which OS?<br />
Which Browser (including verion)?<br />
What problem (be specific)?<!--content-->I am using XP, and have the news IE as of yesterday (version 6). <br />
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This page is just an example. The following is what's happening to some of my pages:<br />
The callout is supposed to be pointing to the butterfly. When you print it, the callout shifts down, and no longer prints to the butterfly. (I know the example page prints okay, but the real pages I have are not printing correctly.) I made the page in Frontpage if that helps. <br />
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I could to a screenshot, but then the font won't be as clear, and I need the callouts to link to stuff, so one big picture won't do me much good. <br />
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Thanks<!--content-->i spent blooming ages responding to this yesterday and then it said i couldnt post more than once in 30 seconds (which of course i wasnt) - doh!<br />
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A precis though - basically i couldnt quite see why you were trying to do what you wanted to do. If you're trying to do publishing for print using html, i think you're destined for headaches galore. HTML isnt by a long shot WYSIWYG, and you'll be pestered by differnt browsers, printing setup's, printers, resolutions etc if you try to go down that route.<br />
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That said, you may be able to do what you want if instead of having multiple elements you have an image map - that can include your arrow and text etc, and then you can do an image map for hyperlinking various parts of the image. Personally, dont like the things, and am sure they're not appallingly un-user friendly for people who dont use graphical browsers. but your request seemed such a bizarre one that it was all i could come up with!<br />
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on a second note, it would be really handy too if you (and others) could use a sensible title for their posts - things like "help me", "help needed" and "any assistance?" really dont mean anything (esp. since this is a forum, and it's taken for granted that most people are here for assistance of some kind). If you put a sensible title like "graphics moving around when printing", you'll probably find a lot more people will come and look at what the problem is - and if they dont, then people who think they have some expertise in that area will come and look, and those are the people that you really want to get the attention of! and i'd also imagine that, as a matter of principal, some people ignore posts with meaningless titles - and thats definietly not what you want!<br />
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Hope my suggestion helps - if you want to clarify it further then i'd be happy to have another go at it!<!--content-->