Need more help


Ah, yes...I see the war is guys may use my forum to continue it...if you want to...;)...<br />
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Anyhoo, I need some more help...<br />
First, I'm not sure which I should use, Opera, or Netscape...they are both very good browsers...Netscape doesn't support the coloring of the names on my forum, which also shows status. Opera does. Opera has other features that I like...the ability to drag a link that is on a page and open a new tab...the skins are nice...I think I'm going to go to Opera...:D<br />
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Yet again, I need help on he CSS for my's the...yup, you guessed it, it's the footer again...<br />
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First picture (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... oblem1.jpg</a><!-- m -->)<br />
Second picture (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... oblem2.jpg</a><!-- m -->)<br />
They are the same problem...rather the same thing is causing both occurences..It was taken in 480x620 Resolution(I believe...the computers at my school block the panel where you change the res. from so I'm not sure if that is what it was set to.)...<!--content-->if you feel Opera gives you better options, use that.<br />
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(NOTE: By referencing to the "war", you are showing an attempt to continue one; this is definately not called for, or mentioning your forum to continue a war)<!--content-->....It was a joke....*sighs*....I hope SOME people got it at least...>.<:rolleyes:<br />
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Note that I said the war is that must mean that it can't be CONTINUED...;)<!--content--> Download <!--more--> it, you will never use another browser again until the next version of firefox... well firewhatever... I still think firefly is manlier then firefox, but oh well. NS7 will read code the same as ff, But I find ff better to browse on, I like the feel more. NS supports mozilla and ns uses the mozilla source code so they are hand in hand the way they read code.<!--content-->Opera just took a dump on me...I won't show the CSS for my forum AT ALL!...*sighs*<!--content-->There we's fixed again...:D<!--content-->mozilla is reliable, make the switch. Mozilla will not break down on you in the middle of no where leaving you to call a tow truck. It is like an old honda civic (not the new turds) it will keep going forever.<!--content-->so are we comparing Opera to an old Ford? haha<!--content-->no, to an old chevy cavalier<!--content-->Well...It was my mistake...I had accidentally set one of the settings to the wrong thing...I set it to display all of my CSS values instead of the website's....and since there were no values corresponding to the tags, there was no CSS style...;) <br />
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About what I need help on...I'm still waiting for an answer as to how to fix that problem...<br />
I want it to be at the bottom of the page...even if it forces the user to scroll down to see it...<!--content-->Originally posted by neenach2002 <br />
About what I need help on...I'm still waiting for an answer as to how to fix that problem...<br />
I want it to be at the bottom of the page...even if it forces the user to scroll down to see it... <br />
Don't absolutely position it. Set the top margin to whatever is neccessary to get the space you want, but don't absolutely position the footer.<!--content-->Alrighty then....*bops himself on the head with a frying pan...*....I should have realized it...I only know CSS!!....we all have our moments though...;)<br />
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Also, Opera doesn't seem to support embedded scroll-bars....unless there is an option to enable them?<!--content-->embedded? like colors?<br />
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Opera all the way!<!--content-->I hope you are not talking about those scroll bars in ie with the colors, that is ie only proprietary code... and be glad opera does not let people screw with your browsers gui.<!--content-->no....I mean like just in a table....<!--content--><div style="overflow:auto height:500px; width:500px">when the content gets bigger then the height it will scroll</div><br />
Opera does support that.... No browser (that I know of) supports a scrolling overflow in a table cell because table cells are engineered to stretch, that is how they were intended to be, not rigid.<!--content-->you may need a semicolon [;] in peo's last post. :)<!--content-->lol....It all depends...If I was to make that a CSS statement, then yes, I would need a semicolon...however, the way he has it is not part of the CSS file...but I'm going to make it part of the CSS file, because I need to...;)<br />
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EDIT:...I se what you are talking about now...LOL!...<!--content-->yes I made a typo. But either way if you have more then one property you would need a colon... unless you put one in a style tag, one in the class properties for it, and one in the id properties for it... then maybe one for that element in general.... You could get away with that, but why would anyone want to.<!--content-->I have a question...what is the point of having the class and id?<!--content-->class can apply to several elements whereas an id just one. So if one element in a class has a different background color or something you can vary that. Or if you just have one element you would not use a class.<!--content-->AHA!...So an ID can only be used once..rather each individual ID can only be used once in a page, whereas a class can be used repeatadely in a page...neato...<!--content-->you can also say<br />
td {<br />
height:10px;<br />
}<br />
and it will apply to ever table cell on your page that you do not override with a class, style tag, or id.<!--content-->Let's say you had 3 links. Each of them had the same position from the top of the monitor and all had the property of top: 200px; but they had unique positions from the left side of the monitor. So what you could do is make a class that all the links belonged to and that had the property of top:200px but each of the links had their own id depending on what distance from the left of the screen you wanted that link. That may sound like gibberish so let me show you with code. <br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
.links { top: 200px; }<br />
#link1 { left: 100px; }<br />
#link2 { left: 150px; }<br />
#link3 { left: 150px; }<br />
</style><br />
<body><br />
<div id="link1" class="links"><br />
<a href="">Google</a><br />
</div><br />
<body><br />
<div id="link2" class="links"><br />
<a href="">Yahoo</a><br />
</div><br />
<body><br />
<div id="link3" class="links"><br />
<a href="">Netscape</a><br />
</div></body></html><br />
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So you can see that instead of having to type the top command for each of the links, i made them all part of the same class, but have different left properties in the id tags.<br />
Hopefully that explains it.<br />
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-Rock-<!--content-->so<br />
hr {<br />
color:#000<br />
}<br />
will apply that color to every <hr> tag?<!--content-->This gone much deeper than my HTML book!...All i know how to do is make classes and them in the source code...and fiddle around with the margins...margin cetera...;)<br />
Thanks for giving me a better understanding of it!...<br />
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I'm most likely going to enter into Web Design for my job...<!--content-->you can also use the same id more then one time for different elements... well the same name... Ill explain<br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
div#woot {<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color:#000000;<br />
}<br />
span#woot {<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color:#ffffff;<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
<div id="woot"><br />
Black text, WOOT!<br />
</div><br />
<span id="woot"><br />
White text is hard to read because I did not set the bg color, WOOT!<br />
</span><br />
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Yes you hr example would mod every hr. This is deeper then your html book because this is not html, its css. You should not have an 'html' book, but rather something that covers html/xhtml and css since html is only intended to be used as page structure in this day and age, but not for layout or style.<!--content-->My HTML covers enough CSS to get someone started...and it covers quite a bit of JS too...;)<!--content-->Ugh...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... roblem.jpg</a><!-- m --><br />
It doesn't work in RealPlayer...Which is another possible browser...<!--content-->real player is not its own browser... I thought it used someone elses source. But screw real player, real media sucks to begin with and you are not going to see any traffic from that unless your site is a very popular band's site and someone happens to be listening to that song at the time. If the content is accessable on these rinky dink browsers then be happy, there is a point at which one should draw the line and stop the recodeing and hacking.<!--content-->I just want my site cross-browser compatible.<!--content-->