Hi all,<BR><BR>I had read the microsoft documentation about working with asp.net and had understanded it too.<BR><BR>My only problem is that I hadn't understand how to Create a new Data Base to manipulate it. I know how to execute querys over a database and it contents and manipulate it too.<BR><BR>Could anybody explaint me how to create a new Data Base in Access or Sql server?? so i'll be able to make a new connection string to show and manipulate it.<BR><BR>Thanks a lot for your time and support and sorry if you find any gramatical errors.<BR><BR>From Spain.<BR>Salvador Gallego.Hi There<BR>Well I can help u with Access<BR>1)Open Access<BR>2)select Blank Data Base<BR>3)Then It will ask u to create database by default name db1....Change if uwant and save for e.g C: est.mdb<BR><BR>4)Now on next screen, Select design View..it wil show u new table...as follows<BR><BR>fieldname datatype description<BR><BR>say ur table consits of fields username password email<BR>so ur enter<BR>fieldname datatype description<BR>--------------------------------------------<BR>username Text blabla <BR>password Text blabla<BR>email Text blabla<BR><BR>on each clik u can set max characters...... <BR><BR>now When u close Table it asks u to name the table..... save tablename as 'datatable'<BR>create primary key if u needed<BR>Thus ur Database in access is created<BR><BR><BR>in asp.net on Button Click event add following code<BR><BR>Dim conEnquiry as OleDbConnection<BR>Dim cmdSelect as String<BR>Dim cmdInsert as OleDbCommand<BR><BR>conEnquiry=new OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA source=C: est.mdb")<BR>cmdSelect="Insert Into datatable (username,password,email) Values(?,?,?)"<BR>cmdInsert=new OleDbCommand(cmdSelect,conEnquiry)<BR>cmdInsert.Parameters.add("@username",txtUserName.Text)<BR>cmdInsert.Parameters.add("@password",txtPassword.Text)<BR>cmdInsert.Parameters.add("@email",txtEmail.Text)<BR>conEnquiry.open()<BR>cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery()<BR>conEnquiry.Close()<BR><BR><BR>Dont Forget to Import <BR><%@ Page Debug=True %><BR><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.Oledb" %><BR>at the top<BR><BR>Good Luck<BR>I guess this will help u<BR>DHiraj<BR><BR><BR>Thanks a lot, <BR>You are the first one who had help me around the forums and so quickly, that answer will be for sure a very good orientation for me i'll try if its works now and I hope I can learn enough to help you in the future if you need...<BR><BR>Thanks again.<BR><BR>Salvador Gallego.<BR>[email protected]<BR>Ur welcome<BR>Well i had written tht code in giffy.........so if u can handle errors in code which i have taken care off........but still.....<BR>One Error which u may npt trace if ur beginner..... write DATA source with space.... coz i had written as one word n had found difficult way...........<BR>Good luck<BR>Dhiraj