Need Help...


Hi I have this message board. My problem is I have a background image and I'd like to use that to put messages on. This other foreground (black) is in the way though and I can't get rid of it. I've spent alot of time trying to solve this, is there an Html code to get rid of that other box, or is there a color code for clear or invisible, since it does allow me to put in color codes? Maybe I could try putting in none in the color code but it needs 6 digits I think.<br />
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Any help would be really appreciated thanks.:)<!--content-->i'd post a link to the site in question so we can take a look to see what you're going on about. a picture paints a thousand words!<br />
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You'll also find that you get a lot more people looking at your post and then offering to help if you use a more sensible title too - everyone comes here for help, so "need help" isn't terribly useful. If you put in something like "backgound display problems" then you'll probably find more people rush to your assistnace, since they're more likely to read the problem in the first place.<br />
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But give us a link to your site and we'll see what we can do!<!--content-->Okay thanks for the advice.<br />
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Here are the links the first is how I'd like it to be, only with my own background.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _GC&page=1</a><!-- m --><br />
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and heres a link to my board<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ard&page=1</a><!-- m --><br />
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See my background doesn't come out, theres a forground in the way in the messages part. I figured there would be some Html code to make it like the first guys. Or maybe a clear or invisible hex color code which I could put in, because it does let me put in hex color codes.<!--content-->Just don't use a background color in the tables that you want to be see-through.<!--content-->I'm pretty sure if I don't put a color in it will use a default color.<br />
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I've tried putting CCCCCC in for a color code, I read somewhere C is the color code for clear and it still wouldn't work, it just made it a sort-off creamy yellow color. Maybe I have to add a # before the C, I read somewhere that you're supposed to do that for some color codes.<br />
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I'll try putting nothing in though thanks. Anyone know a color code for invisible or clear, or to shut the color off?<!--content-->I'm posive it won't. :D <br />
#CCCCCC would be gray.<br />
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There is no explicit transparent in html but there is in CSS. Anyway, all you need is to *not* specify a color.<!--content-->Yes you were right, sorry my mistake I had a bunch of background options, but I deleted them like you said and it worked. Thanks alot, I've spent like 3 days trying to get it.<!--content-->there you go- see how people rushed to your assistance!<br />
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On the subject of colours, if you have a paint package like Paint Shop Pro, then when you select a colour you'll notice that somewhere on thescreen is a HTML code bit, which will give you the HTML code for the colour you want. I use it all the time if i'm trying to get a colour of text in HTML to match a colour i've used in a logo.<!--content-->