Need Help


I am new to web designing and I am building a site for a non-profit organization. I am almost finished but I need some type of input, text, or form box where the president can post his/her updates and the minutes of the executive board meeting can be posted. I have tried using text boxes and forms but I can't get them to do what I need... The message has to stay in the form/box until it is edited and this information has to be password protected. Also I would like for the president just to be able to type his/her message and minutes into the form/box. He knows nothing about web designing. If possible I would like to be able to archive this information. The site is built using a table with three columns and five rows.<br />
Thanks...<!--content-->best bet is to use a database for this. I can walk you through the steps if you need, BUT you need to use a server side language......<!--content-->Dr Web<br />
I would definitely appreciate you help since I know nothing about using a database.<br />
mfoun10<!--content-->well basically, the database can store all the 'news/ updates" that the president types in. Pulling that info to a webpage can be a little tricky without using a server side language.<br />
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I'm not sure where to go on this one. Server side programming can open up possabilities that you'd just salivate at. On the other hand, client side JavaScript can hit a database or a flat text file. The JS method is less than desirable in my eyes.... but maybe easier than implementing a database and server side technology. Archiving old news can be a real mess, if not achieveable this way. Each method has its own ups and downs. <br />
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Your call.<!--content-->