I have a file that was done in MS word that has some pictures and text on it. I am not sure how to re-create it in css... I was wondering if anyone could look at it and get me pointed in the right direction.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball</a><!-- m --> flier jun05.doc
Thanks for the help!!!The source will be a little ugly, but the easiest thing would be to go into Word and Save As HTML. From there you can edit the source and strip out and/or combine classes, etc.BTW, the link probably should read:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball%20flier%20jun05.docthanks">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgebal ... .docthanks</a><!-- m --> for the tips... i'll give it a shot to save it as an HTML file from word... wasn't sure if that was a good way to do it or not...
thanks for the help!here it is saving it through word...any suggestions on speeding it up would be great.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeballLoad">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeballLoad</a><!-- m --> the word doc into OpenOffice Writer (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.openoffice.org/">http://www.openoffice.org/</a><!-- m -->) and save as html, the result is much better.
Improve it again by running it through Tidy (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://infohound.net/tidy/">http://infohound.net/tidy/</a><!-- m -->)cool.. thanks.. i'll give it a shot...you can always copy and paste to notepad and save as .css"you can always copy and paste to notepad and save as .css"
I don't know how this would work... could you please elaborate?

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball</a><!-- m --> flier jun05.doc
Thanks for the help!!!The source will be a little ugly, but the easiest thing would be to go into Word and Save As HTML. From there you can edit the source and strip out and/or combine classes, etc.BTW, the link probably should read:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeball%20flier%20jun05.docthanks">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgebal ... .docthanks</a><!-- m --> for the tips... i'll give it a shot to save it as an HTML file from word... wasn't sure if that was a good way to do it or not...
thanks for the help!here it is saving it through word...any suggestions on speeding it up would be great.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeballLoad">http://www.dixiederbygirls.com/dodgeballLoad</a><!-- m --> the word doc into OpenOffice Writer (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.openoffice.org/">http://www.openoffice.org/</a><!-- m -->) and save as html, the result is much better.
Improve it again by running it through Tidy (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://infohound.net/tidy/">http://infohound.net/tidy/</a><!-- m -->)cool.. thanks.. i'll give it a shot...you can always copy and paste to notepad and save as .css"you can always copy and paste to notepad and save as .css"
I don't know how this would work... could you please elaborate?