Need help with window properties


Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could help me with figuring out how to make a pop up window. I am using Microsoft Frontpage and already made a link to a pop up wondow, but i want to make it so that the pop up window is centered, 400x300 pixels, and no internet explorer menus....just a scrollbar. Thank you!<!--content-->Hi... welcome to the threads.<br />
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Pop over to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Select the language you want to use, then look at the scripts, cant remember what section it comes under, but it is logically catorgorised.<br />
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There are thousands of scripts to choose from. Bare in mind people hate pop-ups so go gently on em.<br />
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Stick around, you'll find there is much more to this place.<!--content-->// open a popup centered on the screen <br />
function centerWindow(popupUrl, popupWidth, popupHeight){ <br />
if(window.screen){ <br />
var ah=screen.availHeight-30; <br />
var aw=screen.availWidth-10; <br />
var xc=(aw-popupWidth)/2; <br />
var yc=(ah-popupHeight)/2; <br />
Str =",left="+xc+",screenX="+xc; <br />
Str +=",top="+yc+",screenY="+yc; <br />
Str += ",width="+popupWidth+",height="+popupHeight; <br />
} <br />
previewWindow =,"","toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,status=0,resizable=1,width="+popupWidth+",height="+popupHeight+""+Str); <br />
previewWindow.focus(); <br />
} <br />
<br />
//Call it Like this<br />
// and just change <br />
//popupUrl', popupWidth, popupHeight<br />
// to your specs<br />
<br />
<a href="popupUrl" target="previewWindow" onclick="centerWindow('popupUrl', popupWidth, popupHeight);return false;">Open It</a><!--content-->Thank you for your help, but now I have a new problem. I was able to generate the popup if I typed in a url to go into the popup, but I want to type in a directory instead of a url. What I mean is instead of typing in <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, i want to type in Pictures/123.html. I want to do this because my file is not uploaded yet and I want to do everythibng offline and then upload it all at once. is this possible?<!--content-->I have no idea what your talking about. you have to click on a link to open a popup. even off line.<!--content-->What I mean is that instead of choosing a link for the popup on the web, i want to choose a link for the popup in my "my webs" folder. Is that possible?<!--content-->you can have that function get activated by a onload event in the body tag.<br />
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so take that function and insert this<br />
<br />
<body onload="centerWindow('popupUrl', popupWidth, popupHeight);return false;"><br />
<br />
then jsut click on the html page to open it.<!--content-->