Need help with virtual mouse effect


New Member
Hi, I need help getting started with something.

I am designing a web page specifically for people who use the JAWS screen reader for the blind. The page is several hundred lines long, and each line is numbered with a specific string sequence, such as "131x3, 131x6..." The reason for the numbering is so that the user can press a key and be shown what line they are currently reading, using a popup alert box.

What I've done so far is, I've embedded the sequence in a tag that updates a variable when the mouse moves over the tag, and then shows the value when a key is pressed. The problem is that by default, JAWS doesn't use the mouse -- there is a mouse cursor that the user can enable, but it can get a little tricky.

So, what I'd like to do is to have a layer that remains at the top of the window, and as the text scrolls, the layer picks up the number sequence and saves it in a variable until the user presses a key to show the sequence. Kind of like how MS Word keeps track of the page you're on while you scroll a document.

Is this possible using Javascript and/or DHTML? If so, how? and if now specifically how, can anyone point me in the right direction? I don't have much experience with Javascript, but am proficient with other server-based languages.

Thanks very much.