New Member
The form works, that is, the form is sent to the email, but the page "page not found" comes up. Can someone help? The form is at:<BR><BR><BR>and the asp for it is:<BR><BR><%@ Language=VBScript %><BR><% Option Explicit %><BR><html><BR><head><BR><title>Thank you</title><BR></head><BR><body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF"><BR><div align="center">Thank you!</div><BR><BR><BR><%<BR> 'The header/footer for the email.<BR> Const strHeader = "Here are the results of the form:"<BR> Const strFooter = "Form mailer created by, 1999"<BR><BR> 'Who does this go to? MAKE SURE TO CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!<BR> Const strTo = "[email protected]"<BR><BR> 'This information is optional<BR> Dim strFrom, strSubject, strRedirectURL, strFromPath<BR><BR> strFrom = Request.Form("txtSendToEmailAddress")<BR> if Len(strFrom) = 0 then strFrom = strTo<BR><BR> strSubject = Request.Form("txtEmailSubject")<BR> if Len(strSubject) = 0 then strSubject = "FORM EMAILER:"<BR><BR> strRedirectURL = Request.Form("urlSendTo")<BR> if Len(strRedirectURL) = 0 then strRedirectURL = ""<BR><BR> strFromPath = Request.Form("urlFromPath")<BR> if Len(strFromPath) = 0 then strFromPath = "UNKNOWN"<BR><BR> Dim strBody<BR> strBody = strHeader & ( vbCrLf & vbCrLf )<BR> strBody = strBody & ( "FORM: " & strFromPath & vbCrLf ) & _<BR> ( "FORM submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & vbCrLf )<BR><BR> dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue, prefix, fldName<BR> For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count<BR> formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix)<BR> formElementValue = <BR><BR> ' what type of field was that on the form?<BR> prefix = Left(formElementName,3)<BR> <BR> ' and throw away prefix to get actual field name<BR> fldName = Mid(formElementName,4)<BR> <BR> ' but change periods to spaces for readability<BR> fldName = Replace(fldName, "."," ")<BR><BR> Select Case prefix<BR> ' if the prefix indicates this is a form field of interest...<BR> Case "txt","sel","rad","cbo","lst","chk":<BR> ' if user didn't answer this question, say so...<BR> if Len(formElementValue) = 0 then formElementValue = "UNANSWERED"<BR> <BR> ' then tack on the name of the field and the answer<BR> strBody = strBody & (fldName & ": " & formElementValue & vbCrLf)<BR> End Select<BR> Next<BR> <BR> strBody = strBody & ( vbCrLf & strFooter )<BR><BR> 'Time to send the email<BR> Dim objCDO<BR> Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")<BR> objCDO.To = strTo<BR> objCDO.From = strFrom<BR><BR> objCDO.Subject = strSubject<BR> objCDO.Body = strBody<BR><BR> objCDO.Send<BR><BR> Set objCDO = Nothing<BR><BR> 'Send them to the page specified<BR> Response.Redirect strRedirectURL<BR>%><BR></body><BR></html><BR>maybe you colud try <BR>Response.redirect (strRedirectURL)<BR><BR>edwinand where would I put that? I'm new at this..