Need help with special mouseover...


Good evening,<br />
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I just finished a site about my year abroad in Ireland. Nothing fancy really, you can find it here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... eland.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Now for my special trick: Instead of the chart in the main frame explaining the various selections on the left I would like to include a mouseover that should do the following...<br />
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1) preloading<br />
2) once the mouse is over a link on the left side (menuframe) it should display the corespondent picture _and_ a short text in the main frame.<br />
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Would that be possible? I can do very little html and I struggled with JAlbum's stylesheets, but I'm willing to learn a thing or two. If you could help me, I would be eternally in your depth (well, very happy at least)!<br />
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What code do I have to change? Left frame, mainframe and what? How do I include the picture _and_ the text in the mouseover? Is it possible at all? I am curious. :)<!--content-->Ok, I don't know if this is the "right" way to do it (feel free to correct me guys), but I had to do something similar for a teacher. I did it with tables, but it could be adapted to frames. Check out a simplified version here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Feel free to borrow and adapt. Basically, I have a table cell that has an ID, and different functions put different code into that cell. The thing is, I only had a few to do, so I wrote 1 function per link. I'm sure you could combine them, and pass a variable to it, but I've never had to do that.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->you mean like this<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... siteid=235</a><!-- m --><!--content-->