Need help with pics


I am a beginner with HTML and I am encountering some problems. When I use the image command, when I bring the page up the pic just comes up with an x. How can I fix this?<!--content--><HTML><br />
<TITLE> Pic of Clay </TITLE><br />
<br />
<IMG HEIGHT="408" WIDTH="333" SRC="boywholived.jpeg"><br />
<br />
</HTML><br />
that is what i was using<!--content-->In essence you have done nothing wrong...<br />
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What I would suggest is two things. Make sure the path to the image is correct. Then if this isn't the case change the extension of the image. JPEG and JPG are both valid extensions but JPEG is rarely used these days. Some free servers will not support this extension also.<br />
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I would say the later is your problem.<!--content-->Well...I can't even figure out what the file name is. I know it is a JPEG, and I have tried JPG as an ending too. I didn't publish it to the net, but I did open it as an HTML document. Could that be the problem?<!--content-->the path is the Important Thing. make utterly certain that the image is located in the same directory as the html page. you can use another folder, up or down, but for now that's the easiest way.<br />
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just in case, though:<br />
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if the file is in another folder within the directory the html page is in:<br />
src="folder/image.jpg" or "folder/folder2/folder3.jpg"<br />
(replacing "folder," etc., with the actual folder names)<br />
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if the file is above (outside) the directory your html page is in:<br />
"../image.gif" (up one level)<br />
"../../image.png" (up 2 levels)<br />
"../../../folder/folder2/image.jpg" (up 3 levels, and down 2 levels into another folder entirely)<!--content-->yeh, i think that you path is wrong.<br />
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I recommend that you put all your webpage filed in ONE folder. Then within that folder create another and call it IMAGES. no place all yuor pctures in it.<br />
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Now in your HTML code when you want to add a picture just type <br />
<br />
<img SRC="images/picname.jpg"> <br />
<br />
and if that doesn't work you have the file extention wrong.<br />
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Good Luck :p<!--content-->