need help with phpdocx — generating .doc files with php


New Member
I guess no one was lucky to found the best solution of handling reports in php, specialy when it's a .doc/x report or file .... i searched for sometime and then i found .. amazing php script, but it just doesn't work, and i don't know exactly where to find the output file ... and unfortunately the documentation doesn't help at any level ...Now i need to know the way this script work .. i mean how results come out and become usable ... and what needs it take the script to work .. because it simply doesn't work on my local host .. i am using appache 2, php 5.2.6 ..I don't actually need more than writing html with in ( a real doc format file, not rename a html file to .doc !! ), so if there is any solution ( without the COM Lib ... i am not on a windows server ) to generate real doc file with HTML .. please but it here Thanks very much in advance :)