Need help with my table


I was wondering if you could look at the nav bar on the left hand side of this test page. I've tried playing around with the table every which way but I cannot for the life of me work out why there is a space below each of the images.<br />
The test page can be found here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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While you're at it can you check out the regular front page and let me know which nav bar looks better:<!--content-->Try stacking them on top of each other without the "</td></tr><tr width="150" height="18" ><td>" between each.<!--content-->Hi just a note that images on the top of your page do not work - probably you just need to upload the images<br />
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I'll see if I can access your image folder but not sure if permissions will allow<br />
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Hope you rectify this as the site looks ok<!--content-->I don't see spaces beneath the images in IE or Netscape.<br />
Did you fix it already?<!--content-->I was able to solve the problem of the images leaving a space at the bottom.<br />
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Silly me, it was my fault and my need to leave the coding as neat as possible so I don't get lost. I had put a double space where I shouldn't have. I got rid of the space and hey presto, the images lined up perfectly.<br />
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Thanks for commenting on the two missing images. I had them in the wrong file.<br />
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Anyway it's all fixed now. I hope to have the site up and running by Thursday. I have almost finished it but I still need to find a couple of hours to complete everything.<!--content-->If you're still asking, I like the new index page better. It looks alot cleaner, the old index page the buttons look clunky and out of place.<!--content-->