Need help with linking an Excel file


I have been assigned the task of redesigning my company's website. <br />
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They want a page strictly for parts prices, but they want it to be interactive so that a customer can just fill in the quantity being ordered and it would automatically give a total due. I created a couple of spreadsheets (MS Excel) to do just that and they work just fine. But when I link them into the page, they only load sporadically; i.e. sometimes it comes up and sometimes it gives a "Page not found" error. <br />
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I originally thought it had something to do with my coding, but then I had a similar problem with some product cut sheets where most of them are in PDF format, but a couple are still in a DOC format. That's when I surmissed (wrongly, perhaps) that it was a Microsoft problem. Does anyone have any idea as to how to accomplish my goal, short of just making ONE spreadsheet with several worksheets in the same workbook?<br />
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If I have to recreate all these sheets in PDF format, how do I go about making them interactive like a spreadsheet?<br />
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Thanx bunches,<br />
Kat<!--content-->It would seem that your goal would be best served with some back end code. I would suggest a database and maybe some asp or php. This may not be an easy thing to do intially. Once it is set up however you should be able to edit it and change it as needed. Does your company have such support?<!--content-->If by "support" you mean a bona-fide IT person, then the answer would be "nope". All the engineers here are expected to maintain their own computers, and it's so bad that it's rare to have 2 computers configured the same, much less running on the same platform.<br />
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My husband is the PHP expert, so maybe I can enlist his aid in setting up a database.<br />
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Thank you so much. Now I know I'm not beating my head against a wall for nuttin'.<br />
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:D :P<!--content-->