Need Help With Java Or Html


I just got a new GeForce 4 ti 4200 and installed it but now some javascript sites dont work like logging on to passport.<br />
what happens is that the page just goes white ad at the bottom it has the Done thing. I turned on active scripting and played around with the Security options but to no avail. If anyone can help that would be great<br />
Thanks, Alsaun<!--content-->Are you using Norton Internet Security or Popup-Stopper? Both of these cause this problem for with IE 6.0.<!--content-->I dont have popup stopper and i beleive i deleted Norton Anti-Virus 2003 trial.<br />
any way i can check if they are still there?<br />
or any other reasons i can't access javascripts?<br />
Thanks Alsaun<!--content-->is there any way i can reinstall internet explorer, or check my version?<br />
Alsaun<!--content-->You should still have the setup file installed on your computer. If you have IE 6 it should be a file named "ie6setup.exe". You can do a search for this file if you can't find it by looking. It is probably somewhere in the Windows directory, unless you specified it to be in some other place.<!--content-->There are plent of other browsers you could Download <!--more--> and try with also.<br />
IE is probably the most unsecure software on you computer unless you also use Outlook (which is every virus best friend).<br />
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are a few good choises on windows.<!--content-->I was wondering if I run ie6setup.exe it might fix the problem?<br />
or if i could get the javascripts from someone else, like Download <!--more--> them from somewhere or get them from a friend?<!--content-->