need help with ideas to implement a web powered program service


Staff member
The idea is not too clear in my head yet. So I do my best to describe what I wanted:

1) build a web service that provides information and accept user's input
2) after user hit submit from the web, I want a report automatically generate and print on the printer (or fax to someone's fax machine depends on how the program setup)

ok, (1) is easy, we do that here all day, but how to intergrate (1) with (2).

-do I need to build a desktop application in conjuction with the web application?
-do I need to use some extra libraries off .net in order to make fax
-if pick printer as a printing option, how to know which printer to pick?
-(same question as fax)
-is .net a good choice to implement such a thing or should I go with other technology (such as java j2ee)

p.s: I'm just trying to draw a road map so I can see what's lying in front of me, so I can prepare and estimate how much time it will take to complete such a project.

TIADo you want this to print on the client or server side?depends what u meant by "client" or "server", its not the user who uses the website that's for sure.

it could be a server (printers connected to server)
it also could be a client (fax machine server talks to?)its too easy to print a web page, but i dont know how to fax this page,
so in the page you want to print there will be button, if this button will do nothing but printing, you'll use normal HTML button, if it will do something else on server, you'll use ASP.NET control:

<input type="button" value="Print" onClick="window.print();">

if control:
in page_load
PrintButton.Attributes.Add("onClick", "window.print()">

<asp:Button ID="PrintButton" Text="Print" runat="Server" />when you click print, a window will appear with options you need, just like you printing from MS Word.its too easy to print a web page,
<input type="button" value="Print" onClick="window.print();">

cipher, thanks for the time to reply, sorry for not being clear on the description. So I'm gonna try again:

a user (client) from outside of the office visit a web site and submit some information back to the server (in the office).

the server (in the office) received the request from the user (client outside of the office) and start a)print or b)fax the report.

a)printing a report inside the office, or at the office's remote location or printing at a trusted domain network may depends on the input from the user.

b)faxing the report (to other office location because maybe they are not within the network, or maybe the office's business partner who without web service to exchange data) would also depends on the input from the user.

it is NOT meant for the user (client who sitting outside of the office) to hit the "print" button and print something from the user's (client's) side printer.

please share some more thoughts on this.
TIAwell i dont see the difference, the button is the same, the idea is that you'll put that button in the admin page, where only adminstrators can view. in my previous e-commerce project, i had to make pages for adminstrator only where he can view the selling statistics and invoices, and sure he needed to print this pages when he needs specialy the invoice, its about where to add it.well i dont see the difference, the button is the same, the idea is that you'll put that button in the admin page, where only adminstrators can view.

Due to the natural of the limitation. There will be -NO- administrator sit behind the server box and wait for someone to submit their request.

I agree with u that the "printer/fax call" (i perfer -not- call that a button since there will be no buttons for any human being to push) needs to be sitting somewhere. My question is:

1) how to choose which printers to print based on the requirement (depending on the value from the user input)

2) how to fax (and which # to fax) depends on value from user input.check this out, first i have a hidden button in the registery area called admin, when the user log in, i check if he's admin or no, if he's i make this button visible, when the admin click on it, it will open a new page showing him the state of his place, after this, he can see the delivred orders and not delivred, and each order have its invoice and button to print it.

Hope this helps.well i'm sorry i'm not sure about your problem, i'm very sorrywell i'm sorry i'm not sure about your problem

Hi Cipher, did I failed to express myself in a clear-crystal manner for the given problem, or are you implying you running out of ideas?

regardness, even if you are running out of ideas, I still very appreicate for your time for trying :)

Otherwise please keep asking me question, so I can be more clear with what I have in my mind.

TIAi'm really sorry, i only know how to print a page, and i showd you how, and you are free to put in button or when the page loads, and i dont know if there's a way to choose which printer to use, the only way i know is when the print window appears and change options you want, i'm so sorry that i wasnt helpful to may find good help in this forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.asp.netSo">http://forums.asp.netSo</a><!-- m --> back to my first question it's the server that you want to print.

Thats something i might have a crack @ doing in a a weeks time. could be usefull. There will be no way i think, your gonna just have to learn how the normal C# programs print things and go from there.

Unless you can think of a way that when the client does something (that u want to print) save it somewhere on the server, then when you want to pint this either

a) your back @ the office with 10 files in a folder that you can manually print
b) make a admin page where you can then read in these 10 files from home and print them from there.

but i do get what your trying to do and those two things are a way around it. My advice, forget about, play with a windows program and try to get that to print (without using drag and drop, all code) and then see if those libarys are available when you go back to asp.neti think, your gonna just have to learn how the normal C# programs print things and then see if those libarys are available when you go back to

UnexplainedWays, thank you for guilding me to the path of solution. Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for. As I mentioned earlier, I've been having trouble to put things together in a clear manner. I thank you for everyone's patience here :)

To futher re-define my question (I think I know what to ask this time heh):

1) what .net library allows me to make printer/fax call.

2) can those libraries ported to, so I can intergarde to a web-driven application?

(i believe this makes a better question now)

Thank youit seems like I'm getting closer to the solution, just in case if anyone else interested:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> good luck ;)how is this going so far? I am curious...

-takHi Tak,

heheh Long story short... my client changed their mind and wanted it implement in Email form instead of printer form, so it all worked out.