need help with dynamic ASP/XML page


New Member
I'm working on a project where some documentation will be marked up in XML and then displayed as HTML. The kicker here is that the content needs to dynamically display based on who is looking at it. For example, I might have some data that is marked up as

<topic audience="sales">
... blah blah blah ...

<topic audience="accounting">
... blah blah blah ...

What I want to do is use ASP to pull in the audience type (sales, accounting, etc) from a session variable and then display *just* the topics for that audience. I've found plenty of info about pulling in an entire XML file, running it through XSLT, and then spitting out HTML. That almost gets me there, but what I want to do here is select certain portions of an XML file based on input parameters, run just that portion through XSLT, and then output it as HTML. Is there a way to do this?
