I have a website called www.how-2-make-a-website.comThe name is good for SEO purposes.Is it a good idea to create a redirect with a short one word domain name to this site?Will redirecting from a different domain affect my SERPs ranking and how will th PR rank be affected?Does Google allow domain redirecting?Thanks for the help google does allow domain redirecting.. it would be pretty rubbish if it didnt.you have to use a '301 redirect'this tells google that a page has permanently moved from this location to another.it can help in terms of SERPs.. for example, keywords in a redirected domain pointing to yours will help your site for that keyword..if you use a 301 then the page rank should be transferred to the new domain..but be careful, google will spank your ass hard if you try and use too many redirects.Sorry if this is obvious (and maybe it is just the combination of late afternoon and low blood sugar) Why set up another domain as a redirect instead of just marketing that site in the first place?Or are you talking about moving a site over to this?there could be many reasons..maybe you just want to hijack a domain so your competitor cant have it..maybe you are only licensed to trade as blabla.com.. but you still want another domain to reach youmaybe you register a domain similar to your main site, but want to develop it in the future.. so rather then letting it load nothing, you just redirect it to your main page..etc