Need help with Digiresults (screening affiliates)


New Member
Hello Warriors, I would like to know from someone who is using DR successfully in their business the best way to screen affiliates to help weed out the scammers. I have lost a few bucks initially with DR due to shady affiliates buying my products then refunding through pay pal in order to keep the commission. I would like some tips on the best way to screen affiliates before I approve them in the future. Thanks in advance. It's very important that you do NOT approve every affiliate unless you do a little work to know more aboutthem. If you don't, you are pretty much setting yourself up for trouble. I provided some very helpful tips on dealing with theproblem of scammers for those using WarriorPlus andDigiResults in the below thread right here in this forum: Just Came From Physical Meeting With Paypal. 6 Insider Tips I Got That Can Help You Prevent Problems I hope this helps, Kingsley Well isn't there a waiting period before affiliates get paid out? I always assumed that's why affiliates get paid 30 to 45 days after the sale... please correct me if I'm wrong. Quote: I have a simple rule: if I don't know you, I will not approve you. Both at Digiresults and at WSOPlus. Quote: Quote: Thanks Istvan. I have another question for you. What is your rule of thumb when it comes to approving affiliates? What email id's do you prefer etc. I prefer people that I know. For example, from here (as a respected WF member); from other places where I can see their contribution etc. Not anonymous, obscure "id"s. I want REAL people, who are business-minded, using ethical methods... you know all the answers, don't you? I know it is unfortunate that some idiot released a script and even more idiots are using it to sign up and get instant refunds - and this whole thing hurts potential honest and hard-working affiliates. For me it's not worth spending a lot of time to figure out who is scam and who is not. I just reject everybody en masse, unless I know you. This way I may have less sales but don't have to deal with scammers, idiots etc. Understood. Thanks again for you help Istvan, I really appreciate it. Quote: Quote: What if you have a no refund policy? Will that weed out the scammers? With digital downloads they are not protected by PayPal's policies that can mandate a refund if a product is not received. . Quote: Quote: Quote: OK, I understand. With a stolen card you'll probably lose your dispute. Just opened a DigiResults account to see the inside. Some ideas - none foolproof, but better than nothing: Under Advanced Settings | Affiliate programme page you can have a link to put in your affiliate terms. Have strong terms making sure any and all issues and disputes are decided where you want them. I'd include a massive liquidated damages penalty for fraud - even if not enforceable it might make a scammer think twice and to move on to an easier target. Have similar information in the pending approval email. The goal is scare some potential scammers away from your account. Ask for a real name, physical address and telephone number to be emailed to you before an affiliate account is approved. Even if you don't plan on calling anyone, this may also scare away some scammers. Don't approve free email accounts. Check if the IP address in the email that comes to you matches the address they provided. Block certain countries from accessing your website. . When I get a request to become an affiliate, I send them this letter: Thank you for applying to become an affiliate for my products on DigiResults. What attracted you to my products? And how do you intend to promote them? Best Regards, Britt Malka ============================================= So far, not a single one have responded, so I guess they weren't really interested. If somebody one day answers, I'll take it from there. I use my gut feeling a lot in business. You can instantly dismiss any affiliate requests from yahoo (or similar) email addresses. In particular, requests that come from a person with a single name and then some autogenerated name for the email address, or even more obvious when there are numbers in the email address. Any affiliate that has any worth will have a proper email address, ie: their own domain. Using the above filter, you can instantly dismiss about 99% of the requests and for the remainder, you can send them an email where they need to respond with very specific information and not just send back a generic reply stating they want to promote your products (without actually mentioning any of the product names) Quote: Quote: Quote: