need help with bots


New Member
i have one forum that allways some bot register there.
and i have another forum that bots no register there.

what van i do to make bots register to my other site?
They register based on content.

Are these spam bots your talking about or is this the Vbulletin mod "Registration bots"?
If you wish bots to crawl your sites you can submit your site search engines such as Google,msn,yahoo and others.
Also if site content is roughly the same create links from one site to the other, add the links to signature.
blackknights said:
If you wish bots to crawl your sites you can submit your site search engines such as Google,msn,yahoo and others.
Also if site content is roughly the same create links from one site to the other, add the links to signature.

you have the scripts for this search engines?

and i cant copy this from the other site cause i dont know what i have to copy.
Follow this link and enter countries to submit too.
[url=]free website submission - free url submission to 275 search engines[/url]
ok tnx^^

any way can u please explane me more what this thing do?
and if the bots or these search engines register to my site?
enter your info and submit to each country your site will be listed with search engines some will send bots other just list your site. The ones who send bots will send them from time to time to check content and update their listings
ooo ok its good

and i find one forum like this
and all the time he attacked by bots that make spam in the forum and allways posting post.

you know what program or script for this

my english not so good but i hope you will be able to understant this.
ok tnx.. for help..

and any one or you have more programs for bots registrations?
and i well use the site you gave me but i need more.