Need Help with borderless Frames


Ok, I have this website that I am working on, its composed of an image that I split into various parts, like a table, but to be used in frame form so that one of the "frames" will be able to scroll, providing a long list of thumbnails (this is a portfolio site for my art stuff.). If there is a way to scroll with tables, Id be MUCH happier doing that, but for the time being im using borderless frames.<br />
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Anyways, the problem im having is that the frames are filling the whole screen, rather than consolodating into the center of the screen in a group. My page is 800x600, and needs to be compressed into that 800x600 block. I have the frames setup with no margin width or height, along with having no scrolling on all but the one, and also the no border tag. Ill post up the site and source when I get home but I am at work right now. Anyways, the problem is the frames dont form to the size of the images in them, even witout any margin, or padding. Even if they did, they are all over on the left side, even though the whole of the frameset is in "center" tags. <br />
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Now, I think my prob is you cant have a block of frames in the middle of a page, without making the outermost ones stretch to the edges of the screen. So, should I put my frameset block that I currently have inside a table in the middle of the screen, one that is just centered and only one cell large (with the size that I want my total page to be)? Is there another way to go about this? I dont know, ill have to check it out when I get back home. Please, give me any input if you can.<!--content-->Originally posted by MrPunkin <br />
If there is a way to scroll with tables, Id be MUCH happier doing that, but for the time being im using borderless frames.<br />
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Actually, you can make DIVs scroll (never tried with tables). Just put your content in this:<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Table is an example --><br />
<table width="50%"><br />
<tr><th>Heading</th></tr><br />
<tr><td width="100%"><div style="overflow:auto;">Text<br />
Put enough in here to make it scroll</div></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
<!--You can also try taking out the DIV and adding the CSS (style) to the TD element, but I've never tried that so I don't know if it will work. More info on this here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) --><br />
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Originally posted by MrPunkin<br />
Now, I think my prob is you cant have a block of frames in the middle of a page<br />
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Hmmmm... You can't? You should take a look at IFrames (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... def-IFRAME</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->haha, sorry, I was actually speaking without an IFrame. I just meant you cant have a block of standard frames floating in the middle of the page.<!--content-->Oh, I see. That makes more sense. ;)<!--content-->I just went through a similar dilemma, having created a very tight (window sized) site and wanted to have the right div scroll as needed. <br />
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The scrolling layer set-ups I tried (several dreamweaver extensions) were rough at best ... don't work in Netscape 4 and caused great frustration. IFrames are not supported in Netscape so that was not even an option. Bummer. I ended up going with a framed site, although I prefer to avoid frames whenever possible (too many flaws and handicaps). <br />
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If anyone has a foolproof, cross-browser solution I'd be thrilled to hear it :)<!--content-->well IFrames are 4.01 compliant, but I understand that older netscapes wont support it. I got mine working, linke is Here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). I think ill be switching to tables though and create my own scrolling solution rather than standard scrolling, or I dont know. Either way, it wont have that huge crappy scroller, and will probably not be frames.<br />
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New question though!!! - I used IFrame to put my frameset.html into a 800x600 box in the middle of the index page... now, currently all the html pages are in one folder on my server, how can I change this and link out to another folder for the frameset, say "frames/frameset.html". No matter how I try it just breaks the link to my frameset.html page from within the index.html's IFrame.<br />
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Thanks ahead of time.<!--content-->IFrames do not work in Netscape 4, but they do work in Netscape 6 or higher. If it didn't, it wouldn't be considered, "valid HTML."<br />
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MrPunkin, I don't quite understand your question here. Are you saying that you moved the files into a folder, "frames/" and none of the links worked? If that is the problem, you have to change the links to work within the set folder, not at top-level.<!--content-->