Need help with Assembly language


<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><br />; mptest.asm<br />         <br />         title 鎼坧test.asm?br />         list p=18f452, f=inhx32<br />         #include <><br /><br />stores        equ      h?0?nbsp;                    ; the value of stores <br />storee        equ      h?1?br />count        equ      d?4?nbsp;                      <br /><br />        org   0x00    ; reset vector address<br />        goto start<br /><br />        org   0x1C    ; Program start address<br />start<br />        movlw  count; move count as a number to WREG<br />        movwf  count; move the data in WREG to f Register count<br />        movlw  stores<br />        movwf  storee<br />test        <br />        movlw  stores<br />        movwf  stores<br />        movf     storee, w; move the data in f Register store to WREG<br />        incf       stores, f; increase the data in f Register stores<br />        incf       storee, f<br />decfsz  count; decrease the data in f Register count. If it<br />goto  test    ; equal to 0, jump next instruction<br />loop<br />goto  loop<br />end<br /><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />Hey Ive done this code in the mplab programme but I dont know how to find the values stored in count, stores and storee. Could someone please help me find the values. All help is much appreciated. Thanks<br /><br /><span class='edit'>This post has been edited by <b>NickDMax</b>: 3 Jun, 2008 - 07:35 AM</span>