Need help with an idea I've got...


New Member
Okay, not entirely sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but I'll try to explain the best I can.

On my forum, we have regular podcasts that we stream from the server to play while our members browse the forum. However, the problem with that is that the podcast restarts every time they click a link to another page.

So, here is my idea. I want to add a pop up message box that appears when someone visits my forum home. Obviously the text in the box is going to ask whether they want to listen to the podcast or not. If they click yes, I want it to open another window where the player can stream from. If they click no, I want it to just close the popup box. I would like to try to add a check box to the popup so the members can select not to have the popup appear again (in which case they can open the podcast page by clicking a link I'll place in the footer.)

Now, I suck at coding stuff this adventurous, so I'm wondering if something like this is possible. So, anyone got a verdict on this idea?
Yes, you can do this.. BUT is not much more easy if you put a image... or i dont know a link in each post (i dont know if you use one post to one podcast..) and this link call a popup(or a new page) with the player? with this you dont need popups in your page (a lot of navigators will block this) and just interested people will "see" the podcast