Need help with a Frameset


I am creating a site which uses 4 frames and i need it so that when you click on a link in the left frame (in this case "Home") it needs to clear the right hand frame and the Main Frame and then display the "Home" page in the main frame. <br />
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This is so that if you click on "Reviews" (which is displayed in the right frame), you get the PS2,Gamecube,XBox icons to appear. But i need this to be wiped when you click on "Home" but i only want "Home" to be displayed in the Main Frame. Below is the link for my site which might give you a better idea of what i am trying to achieve;<br />
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Games Void (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Sorry if the explanation above is a bit poor. Also please know that i am only an amature in web design.<!--content-->my suggestion to you would be to get rid of the frames all together...they only complicate things if you aren't truly perfect. It wouldn't appear that your load time is big so I say SO WHAT if the navigation has to load me, make it easy on yourself and just use tables.<br />
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I didn't truly understand the logic of question (meaning the order of things), but you have to mess around with the targeting it sounds like. Sorry.<!--content-->Thanks for the reply Petrocan. I will still be using frames as i have just overcome my last problem by playing around with the target frames as you said. <br />
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I have just one last problem. My site has a scrollbar on the main frame, done by changing the frame "scrolling=No" to "Scrolling=auto" and this works fine. I tried to do the same for the navigation frame and it all went wrong. The scrollbar appears but it keeps moving and adjusting itself. Have a look at the site using this link Games Void (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and look at the left frame. The only reason i need a scrollbar there is because it cuts of some of the buttons on smaller monitors and there is no current way to view these buttons without a scrollbar.<!--content-->It looks like your background and the combination of scripts you have running keep on resizing the page inside the frame. If you can help it at all, make your rollover images smaller and use "scrolling=no."<br />
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That's my "simple" remedy.<!--content-->Originally posted by petrocan <br />
my suggestion to you would be to get rid of the frames all together... ...and just use tables.<br />
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That sounds like you are trying to complicate his page, rather then the opposite. Abusing tables for layout is about the most complex way to create layout there is.<br />
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Anyway the change I would make on your current page is lower the number of total frames. The scrollbar section in the center can easily be created with some CSS, allowing you to only use 1 frame for the navbar and 1 for the rest of the page.<br />
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eg<br />
<div style="overflow:auto; height:70%;"><br />
Center content.<br />