Need help with a form...


Hello,<br />
I was just wondering if anyone knows how you can get the information from a form to be automatically put into a text document or something along those lines. <br />
Here is the relevant code:<br />
<br />
<br />
<form>Rank: <select name="Select Rank"><br />
<option>--select rank--<br />
<option>WO1<br />
<option>WO2<br />
<option>F/Sgt<br />
<option>Sgt<br />
<option>Cpl<br />
<option>LAC<br />
<option>AC<br />
</select> <br />
<br />
Surname: <input type=text name="Last Name" size=15> <br />
Initial: <input type=text name="Last Name" size=1><br />
<p><br />
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="Agreement"><i><font size=1> I understand <br />
that signing up does not necessarily mean that I am going on the <br />
trip. <br>I also understand that <br />
the decision made by the squadron staff on who is participating <br />
is final and is not subject <br />
to revision.</i></font><br />
<br />
<p><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset"><br />
<p><br />
</form><br />
<br />
Thanks for your help!<!--content-->Have a look into PHP or ASP or CGI / Perl<!--content-->You can use ASP to take the form info and write it to a .txt or even another HTML file.<br />
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Email/Pm me if you need any nmore help<!--content-->for one, that form is invalid. you have to close you option tags and give them values.<br />
<br />
and the other is that you hav eto use serverside program like everybody else said.<!--content-->