need help using multiple element per parent element


New Member
I am trying to include multiple cast element per movie element in the xml file.

In the inline doctype the declaration is:
<!ELEMENT movie (title, rating, year, director, cast+)>

The code in xml is:
<title>Dawn of the Dead</title>
<rating code = "R" />
<director>Zack Snyder</director>
<cast>Ving Rhames-</cast>
<cast>Sarah Polley-</cast>

The code I am using to display is from xsl file, which is:
<td><xsl:value-of select = "cast" /></td>

But it is only displaying the first cast element data, please let me know what I am doing wrong here.

This is my first xml class project, so right now I am just familiar to basic xml. Thanks for any help in advance.
