I have a few plugins to a forum mod that was working well when i was php4 but my server as been converted to php5
Can someone please help, this is one i need help with
When i know how to convert this i should be able to do the other
function feature_buy($this,$info2){
global $ps;
$question[0]="Enter new title";
$answer[0]="<input type='text' name='new_title'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Request Change'><input type='hidden' name='feature_action' value='request_change'><input type='hidden' name='item_id' value='{$info2['id']}'><input type='hidden' name='feature_id' value='{$info2['feature']}'>";
foreach($question as $ask){
$output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_line($q,$a);
$ps['html']['main_out'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_header('Enter new title request');
$ps['html']['main_out'] .= $output;
$ps['html']['main_out'] .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_footer();
function feature_accept($this,$info2){
global $ps;
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
UPDATE {$ps['db_pre']}members set
WHERE id='{$info2['buyer']}'
" ) or print mysql_error();
$st='|Payment released|3|';
$log_line = "\n".time().$st.$info2['buyer'];
//give points to member
//Update bought count
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
UPDATE {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_items set
`buy_count`=`buy_count` + 1
WHERE id='{$info2['item_id']}'
" ) or print mysql_error();
return $log_line;
function feature_actions($this,$action){
global $ps;
if(isset($_GET['item_id'])){ $id=$_GET['item_id']; }elseif(isset($_POST['item_id'])){ $id=$_POST['item_id']; }else{$this->error_out('No item ID given','back');return;}
$WHERE="WHERE i.id='$id' AND i.validated='checked'";
//get item info
m.name as member_name,
FROM {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_items i
LEFT JOIN {$ps['db_pre']}members m on(m.id=i.seller)
LEFT JOIN {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_members m2 on(i.seller=m2.member_id)
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $query ) or print mysql_error();
$rs =$this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
//are we allowed to buy from this cat?
if( (!in_array($this->ipsclass->member['g_id'],$ps['cats'][$rs['cat']]['allowed_buy_groups']))&&(!$ps['admin']) ){
$this->error_out('You are not allowed to buy this item','back');return;
$this->error_out('This item is sold out','back');return;
//do we have enough points
//get points
$query="SELECT {$ps['points_field']} as points FROM {$ps['points_table']} WHERE {$ps['points_id_field']}='{$this->ipsclass->member['id']}'";
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $query ) or print mysql_error();
$res =$this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
if($rs['cost'] > $res['points']){
$this->error_out('You dont have enough points','back');return;
//take points from member
$log_line=addslashes(time().'|Requested item '.$rs['name'].'|1|'.$this->ipsclass->member['id']);
$feature_info=$feature_id.'[%]Request to change your title to: '.$new_title.'[%]'.$new_title;
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
INSERT INTO {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_transactions set
" ) or print mysql_error();
//do we pm seller of this action?
if( (in_array('1',$rs['pm_seller']))&&(!$ps['features_list'][$feature_id]['bypass_pm']) ){
$this->send_pm($rs['seller'],$ps['store_name'].': Item purchased',$msg);
?>Are you getting any specific errors when you run it? (If so, please copy-and-paste them here to help us debug.)
Normally PHP4 scripts should be forward-compatible with PHP5, except for a very few exceptions. More often in these situations I find it's not the change to PHP5 causing the problem, but a change in the PHP configuration (turning register_globals off when it was on before, for example).This is the error i get when it is run
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in line19The use of the "$this->" construct would indicate that these functions are intended to be class methods, but here they are not contained within a class definition. It would therefore appear that something is missing from the code (and I'm 99.9% certain you'd get the same sort of error in PHP4).This is a item change your title that works within a store made for ipb boards
This was working on php4 a few weeks ago, i only got the error when my host changed to php 5
Can someone please help, this is one i need help with
When i know how to convert this i should be able to do the other
function feature_buy($this,$info2){
global $ps;
$question[0]="Enter new title";
$answer[0]="<input type='text' name='new_title'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Request Change'><input type='hidden' name='feature_action' value='request_change'><input type='hidden' name='item_id' value='{$info2['id']}'><input type='hidden' name='feature_id' value='{$info2['feature']}'>";
foreach($question as $ask){
$output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_line($q,$a);
$ps['html']['main_out'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_header('Enter new title request');
$ps['html']['main_out'] .= $output;
$ps['html']['main_out'] .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_perfect_store']->skin_feature_form_footer();
function feature_accept($this,$info2){
global $ps;
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
UPDATE {$ps['db_pre']}members set
WHERE id='{$info2['buyer']}'
" ) or print mysql_error();
$st='|Payment released|3|';
$log_line = "\n".time().$st.$info2['buyer'];
//give points to member
//Update bought count
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
UPDATE {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_items set
`buy_count`=`buy_count` + 1
WHERE id='{$info2['item_id']}'
" ) or print mysql_error();
return $log_line;
function feature_actions($this,$action){
global $ps;
if(isset($_GET['item_id'])){ $id=$_GET['item_id']; }elseif(isset($_POST['item_id'])){ $id=$_POST['item_id']; }else{$this->error_out('No item ID given','back');return;}
$WHERE="WHERE i.id='$id' AND i.validated='checked'";
//get item info
m.name as member_name,
FROM {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_items i
LEFT JOIN {$ps['db_pre']}members m on(m.id=i.seller)
LEFT JOIN {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_members m2 on(i.seller=m2.member_id)
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $query ) or print mysql_error();
$rs =$this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
//are we allowed to buy from this cat?
if( (!in_array($this->ipsclass->member['g_id'],$ps['cats'][$rs['cat']]['allowed_buy_groups']))&&(!$ps['admin']) ){
$this->error_out('You are not allowed to buy this item','back');return;
$this->error_out('This item is sold out','back');return;
//do we have enough points
//get points
$query="SELECT {$ps['points_field']} as points FROM {$ps['points_table']} WHERE {$ps['points_id_field']}='{$this->ipsclass->member['id']}'";
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( $query ) or print mysql_error();
$res =$this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
if($rs['cost'] > $res['points']){
$this->error_out('You dont have enough points','back');return;
//take points from member
$log_line=addslashes(time().'|Requested item '.$rs['name'].'|1|'.$this->ipsclass->member['id']);
$feature_info=$feature_id.'[%]Request to change your title to: '.$new_title.'[%]'.$new_title;
$this->ipsclass->DB->query( "
INSERT INTO {$ps['db_pre']}perfect_store_transactions set
" ) or print mysql_error();
//do we pm seller of this action?
if( (in_array('1',$rs['pm_seller']))&&(!$ps['features_list'][$feature_id]['bypass_pm']) ){
$this->send_pm($rs['seller'],$ps['store_name'].': Item purchased',$msg);
?>Are you getting any specific errors when you run it? (If so, please copy-and-paste them here to help us debug.)
Normally PHP4 scripts should be forward-compatible with PHP5, except for a very few exceptions. More often in these situations I find it's not the change to PHP5 causing the problem, but a change in the PHP configuration (turning register_globals off when it was on before, for example).This is the error i get when it is run
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in line19The use of the "$this->" construct would indicate that these functions are intended to be class methods, but here they are not contained within a class definition. It would therefore appear that something is missing from the code (and I'm 99.9% certain you'd get the same sort of error in PHP4).This is a item change your title that works within a store made for ipb boards
This was working on php4 a few weeks ago, i only got the error when my host changed to php 5