Need help setting up curl php extension


New Member
I have been trying to set up curl with php 5 and apache 2.2 for at least a day now and I have been thrown in so many directions. None of these directions worked for me. I have uncommented the \[code\]extension=php_curl.dll\[/code\]and set the \[code\]extension_dir = "c:\php\ext"\[/code\]All of this was in the \[code\]c:\php\php.ini\[/code\] I was then told that I am supposed to edit the \[code\]c:\apache\bin\php.ini\[/code\]. I looked and there was nothing in that folder. If anyone could help me fix my problem I would appreciate it.Edit: I have made a change in the httpd in my apache conf file to make it use the \[code\]C:\php\php.ini\[/code\] file but it still does not load the extension.