Need help remembering how to do this


It's been a long time since I've made any kind of web page. I'm trying to keep it simple and I'm testing out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for its PDA friendlyness.<br />
<br />
Down in the lower left I'd like the word "Visitors:" followed by a free hit counter, of which I've posted the HTML I got below.<br />
<br />
Trouble is, under FrontPage (which I all I know, I'm a real neophyte) the hit counter is displayed outside of the page, which I've made a .gif to save space (the words don't do anything yet)<br />
<br />
I forget, which is why I am asking, what I need to do to have the hit counter show up right next to the word "Visitors"..can you lend a hand?<br />
<br />
As an aside, I do plan on getting a HTML for idiots book, but I don't have it yet.<br />
<br />
Here's the HTML for the hit counter:<br />
<br />
<a href=""<br />
target="_top"><img SRC=""<br />
ALT="[Aaddzz Counter]" BORDER="0" width="76" height="23"></a><!--content-->Thank you for your fast reply...I am trying to remember how to work this bloody FrontPage and when I insert the text, the entire thing gets screwed up, FP seems to want to duplicate everything and turn the (") quote tag into (&quot) which makes it a mess....if I post my simplistic HTML here, could you show me where the counter bit should be?<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<br />
<head><br />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" x-undefined><br />
<title>Home Page</title><br />
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"><br />
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"><br />
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="default"><br />
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none, default"><br />
</head><br />
<br />
<body><br />
<br />
<p><!--webbot bot="ImageMap"<br />
text=" (10,297) (112, 319) {Visitors:} {Times New Roman} 10 B #000000 LT 0 "<br />
text=" (10,96) (49, 118) {Links} {Times New Roman} 10 B #000000 LT 0 "<br />
text=" (10,79) (49, 101) {About} {Times New Roman} 10 B #000000 LT 0 "<br />
text=" (10,62) (49, 86) {News} {Times New Roman} 10 B #000000 LT 0 "<br />
text=" (10,45) (49, 67) {Test} {Times New Roman} 10 B #000000 LT 0 "<br />
src="snoringfrog.gif" alt="PDA Friendly Website" border="0"<br />
u-originalsrc="snoringfrog.gif" u-overlaysrc="_overlay/default.htm_txt_snoringfrog.gif"<br />
width="240" height="320" --></p><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
<br />
I tried to insert the counter part after the {Visitors: but before the close tag "}"..where did I goof?<!--content-->